Dua When Rain Exceeds The Limits

Read Dua When Rain Exceeds The Limits or Kasrat E Barish Se Bachne Ki Dua in Urdu is easy now by knowing its meaning. Dua is a prayer you can read on different occasions of life, with translations it's easy to memorize this Dua or supplication. Saying this Dua When Rain Exceeds The Limits have several virtues.

کثرت بارش سےبچنے کی دعا

اللَّهُمَّ حَوَالَيْنَا وَلَا عَلَيْنَا اللَّهُمَّ عَلَى الْأَكَامِ وَالْأَجَامِ وَالظِّرَابِ وَالْأَدْوِيَةِ وَمَنَابِةِ الشَّجَرِ

اے اللہ ہمارے اطراف میں بارش برسا (جہاں ضرورت ہے) ہم پر نہ برسا۔ اے اللہ ! ٹیلوں ، پہاڑوں، وادیوں اور درخت اگنے کی جگہ پر بارش برسا۔

O Allah, let it rain around us and not on us. O Allah, let it rain on the peaks and mountains and the rivers and at the forests

Dua When Rain Exceeds The Limits

Barish Rokne Ka Wazifa:

Barish Rokne Ki Dua is a heartfelt prayer to alleviate the hardships caused by heavy rainfall. If you’re seeking a way to prevent excessive rain, understanding the importance of barish rokne ki dua can be invaluable. Many people look for spiritual methods to manage weather conditions, especially during tumultuous times. One of the most effective approaches is to recite a specific prayer aimed at stopping heavy rain.

For those dealing with severe weather, such as a storm or heavy rain, tufani barish rokne ki dua can provide comfort and hope. This prayer is believed to help mitigate the intensity of storms and excessive rainfall.

In addition to prayers, a barish rokne ka wazifa might be recommended to further enhance the effectiveness of the dua. This practice involves specific recitations and rituals intended to prevent unwanted weather conditions.

For Urdu speakers, a barish rokne ki dua in urdu is available, offering guidance and prayers in the native language to address weather concerns effectively.

Reviews & Comments On Dua When Rain Exceeds The Limits

Jazakum Allah khair magar please correction karyega والأودية ومنابت Ye sahi likhne ka tareeqa hai please check them byyourself agar aap ko koi doubt ho to

  • Amina, M
  • Thu 22 Jul, 2021