Dua at the time of Dressing

Read Dua at the time of Dressing or Libas Pehna Waqt Ki Dua in Urdu is easy now by knowing its meaning. Dua is a prayer you can read on different occasions of life, with translations it's easy to memorize this Dua or supplication. Saying this Dua at the time of Dressing have several virtues.

لباس پہنتے وقت کی دعا

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي كَسَانِي هَذَا وَرَزَقَنِيهِ مِنْ غَيْرِ حَوْلٍ مِنِّي وَلَا قُوَّةٍ

تمام خوبیاں اللہ عزوجل کے لئے جس نے مجھ کو یہ کپڑا پہنایا اور میری قوت و طاقت کے بغیر مجھ کو عطا فرمایا۔

All excellencies are for Allah Azzawajal Who gave me this cloth to wear and granted me without (using) any strenfth and Power.

Dua at the time of Dressing

Naye Kapde Pehne Ki Dua:

Naya Libas Pehne Ki Dua is a meaningful way to express thanks for the blessings of new clothing. When wearing new attire, reciting naye libas ki dua can help cultivate humility and appreciation.

Kapde pehne ki dua serves as a reminder of the transient nature of worldly possessions, encouraging us to acknowledge divine providence. Similarly, naye kapde pehne ki dua fosters a sense of gratitude for the simple joys in life.

By incorporating prayer into daily life, we can transform everyday acts into sacred moments. May your naya libas pehne ki dua be a testament to your devotion, filling your heart with joy and contentment. Embrace the spirit of gratitude with every new garment, and may your faith be strengthened with each passing day.

Reviews & Comments On Dua at the time of Dressing

This dua is just one line, It is easy to learn that I will also want to download to learn easily.

  • waqas, khi
  • Fri 22 May, 2015