Dua Shab e Qadr (Laylat ul Qadr)
Read Dua Shab e Qadr (Laylat ul Qadr) or Shab e Qadr Ki Dua in Urdu is easy now by knowing its meaning. Dua is a prayer you can read on different occasions of life, with translations it's easy to memorize this Dua or supplication. Saying this Dua Shab e Qadr (Laylat ul Qadr) have several virtues.
شبِ قدر کی دعا
اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي
الٰہی عزوجل تو بہت معاف فرمانے والا ہے، معاف کرنے کو پسند فرماتا ہے پس مجھے معاف فرمادے۔
O Allah Azzawajal You are greatly forgiving, You like forgiving, so forgive me.
Benefits of Reading
Dua Shab e Qadr (Laylat ul Qadr)
(Shab e Qadr Ki Dua)
Dua is an Arabic word that means to summon or to call out. It is also known as pray, supplication, or invocation. It has great importance in Islam. According to one hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), dua is the essence of worship. When a person prays to Allah with a true heart, it strengthens his/her belief. The
Dua Shab e Qadr (Laylat ul Qadr)
(Shab e Qadr Ki Dua) is also very beneficial.
Dua is among one of the most powerful and effective acts of worship. It gives the feeling of connection with Allah in any place at any time. Muslims call on Allah several times throughout the day and night. Throughout the Holy Quran, Allah encourages people to call on him as he is the only one who can lay our uncertainties, hopes, dreams, and fears. It does not just enhance the feeling of closeness with Allah, but also raises faith and offers relief and hope to believers.
There is a dua for almost every act in Islam. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) taught the dua to his Ummah for different matters such as safety, family, food, travel, sickness, dressing, etc. However, the
Dua Shab e Qadr (Laylat ul Qadr)
(Shab e Qadr Ki Dua) is among the key supplications.
Being Muslim we should memorize duas including the
Dua Shab e Qadr (Laylat ul Qadr)
(Shab e Qadr Ki Dua). It will not just save us from any harm but will enlighten our lives with different blessings. Here, you can easily read this dua and can share it with your friends and family members. You can also read other supplications on their respective pages.