People do not enjoy what they have. They constantly seek for a different life.

(Resham Nadeem, )


I agree with the statement that people are never satisfied with what they have; they always want or wish something more or something different in life. Nothing could be more genuine about humankind if not this. Me being self-telling example of how much more I want in Life and my need to be par excellence with myself.

The human race is a common desire for self-improvement and in the survival of the fittest. It is the only second nature of a man that he desire for better opportunities and better lifestyle. As we all have read and learn Maslow’s hierarchy need of motivation in which he subsequently extended the idea to include his observation of humans’ innate curiosity. According to his observation he mention that when a men one need is fulfilled he move to his next desire or want and try to achieve that desire, and when his second desire is fulfilled he move to other one and same procedure is followed until he get to the higher level of need. Maslow used terms Physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. He said that a men always in a search of more and more from life if a person have nothing to eat than he can only live on a one bread alone but when his desire or hunger is fulfilled he move to next desire or need of safety, it could be of any kind: safety from danger, safety of life, safety of wealth etc. After physiological and safety the third need is belonging and acceptance every human is a social animal and wanted to be socialized and accepted by others. In esteem need, according to Maslow all humans have need to feel respected. It include self-esteem and self-respect. After esteem need the last higher level of need is self-actualization, in this level of need he quoted that “What a man can be, he must be”. If we see, today’s people fall in fourth esteem need they are just unhappy with their life, each and every person is busy in a race of recognition, status, respect, image in a society, fame and attention. People are just be unable to remember themselves in chasing these things they just overlook the status, competition and at all times they compare theirs life with others life which is affecting their lifes badly. The human society stands where it stands today because of the need of man to get better than he already has.

As we look around society, we notice with each passing day, the unhappiness of ever increasing desire in humans to achieve more. Extensive increase in suicide rates give us an insight of how unhappy and unsatisfied people are with their lives. They seem to be wanting more money, fame, better lifestyle etc. The ‘need’ thus never goes away. It takes a bigger and crucial form. Unsatisfied lives have made them barely receptive to the happiness that might be actually be waiting for them.

Every human being holds the key to his happiness. We all make decisions that pave our way to success or failure. We are in constant competition whether with ourselves or with others. If we observe the life of the Japanese closely, we will observe how bothered they are about the quality of life rather than the quantity. Happiness thus does not lie in numbers but in the way we interpret the numbers.

Thus I feel that not being satisfied with what we have might have its pros and cons in the society but one cannot deny the fact that every living entity is entitled by its own psyche to strive for the better that they think they deserve. All we need is a little appreciation and gratefulness for the lives we are living.
Most of us understand the foolishness of trying to compare ourselves to others. We would readily admit that no good ever comes from it.

Yet, whether we are comparing our home size, paycheck, physical features, or any number of measurable (and even unmeasurable) things, we do it all the time. But there are inherent problems:
1. We most often compare the wrong things.
2. We always compare our worst with their best.
3. There is no end to the comparison game.
4. Comparison puts your focus on the wrong person and waste your time.
5. Comparison steals your joy and happiness
6. But even more than than, it prevents us from fully living our lives.

How can we stop comparing ourselves to others?
1. Recognize the inherent problems in comparing yourself to another.
2. Celebrate who you are. There are many wonderful things about your life. You are an artist… or a businessman… or a mother… or a good listener… or a generous soul. You have much to celebrate and are entirely unique. Any comparison between you and another person is like comparing apples to oranges. They aren’t living your life, you are.
3. Focus inward.
4. Realize life is not a competition.
5. Remember that nobody is perfect.
6. Live as intentional as possible.

As humans, it is in our nature to compare ourselves to others. But nothing good ever comes from it. So let’s stop comparing ourselves to others. We were not born to live their life. There is no sense wasting our life (or energy) being jealous of theirs. Instead, let’s start living our lives. Let’s determine today to be good at it. After all, we only get one shot.

Resham Nadeem
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