HUMAN NATURE( In the Views of Words Worth )

(Uzma Sagheer Janjua, Islamabad)

Human Nature

Nature blends man's creative ability and clean his entryways of observation, saving him from 'the visionary bleakness' of an existence without satisfaction' When Wordsworth was vexed by the voices of the city and the loathsome occasions of the French Revolution and was pushed into segregation, he pulled back from it. Not to escape in his universe of creative ability but rather to occupy in the realm of nature; on the social edges, along an open street and consider not what man is but rather what man could progress toward becoming. He finds that man is equipped for accomplishing a condition of presence superior to anything the one embodied in the city life. He proposes refinement of heart in light of nature. For him the components of nature rouses men to work sublimy. He says that amid his long strolls in the wild he pondered and got an unmistakable sight of another world, 'that was fit to be, and to others eyes/Made noticeable.'

Wordsworth looks for the relationship of brain and the outer world and looks for a firm reason for profound quality. By consideration of characteristic world he finds his value and can see the wholeness behind the incidental shapes. With the help of nature, he sees significance of the outside and for him every outer thing blend into one tune. Wordsworth underscores on bona fide freedom of man's internal identity. His optimal men in The Prelude, symbolize the redesigned mankind. Wordsworth tries to spare mankind from the dissatisfactions and frustrations of life. When he withdraws into the universe of nature, he finds a man who is honored by God with numerous forces, most importantly, his ethical sense. With the assistance of these blessings of God, man can change the old world into a heaven. He stresses on the need of following most elevated standards throughout everyday life. He looks at the turmoil and crumbling of the current social request in his nation and Europe in general, with the straightforward provincial life in the midst of the excellent types of nature. He welcomes men of urban communities to 'their hearth-fires and to live requested lives, submitting to conventional ideas of uprightness, judiciousness and devotion.

Uzma Sagheer Janjua
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