Unity-The need of the hour!

(Muzna Shakeel, Karachi)

 From the very early stage of our education,we are taught that "Unity is strength".Many of the early reformers of our country have always urged and emphasized on this fact and told the people to not to divide themselves on the basis of caste,creed,color or religion.Once the concept of ,"We,They" develop in a nation,then one can be sure of the consequences and the results.In order to emerge as a powerful country,it is very important for the citizens and the natives to eliminated the concept of "difference" from their minds and to think themselves as "one".

Unfortunately,"racial discrimination" prevails in our society.We,Pakistanis have divided ourselves into various sects and casts which have resulted to numerous social problems.The formation of Pakhtunwa is an example!.Instead of thinking and working as a nation,we prefer to think about our honor,our prestige and our goals.Instead of investing money in our own country,we prefer to settle our businesses abroad and serve other countries.Do we ever see or hear any prominent Indian,American,Russian setting up its business centers in our country?Every individual thinks about his own goods and benefits.

What feels even more distressing is to see the prominent leaders,actings as "agents of foreign powers",diploiting their own country's peace and prosperity and adversely affecting the education,agriculture and other sectors.

The unsettled disputes among various political parties lead to mass killings.Number of people die everyday,on the charge that they were mahajirs,they were Punjabi,they were Sindhi etc.The racial thoughts have actually given rise to the conflicts.
The need of the hour is to fill the communication gaps and eliminate the element of "discrimination amongst us".What the present generation lack is co-ordination and moral support.Most importantly,we should understand that it is the evil designs of the "foreign parties" to stir up conflicts among the people to divide our country into blocks.

I would say,we Pakistani's should wake up and put end to the growing menace and work together,not for personal but "national" interest also.

Muzna Shakeel
About the Author: Muzna Shakeel Read More Articles by Muzna Shakeel: 5 Articles with 444274 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.