Tradition OR Modernization

(M sarfaraz uddin, karachi)

Urdu is tradition English is the in trust and need.

what will you prefer???

Basically I am English writer since it is easy to write. Secondly it is first international language and one of the primary official language of Pakistan. Urdu language news, Urdu language poetry and use of Urdu dictionary is not only common in Pakistan but around the world. Often I speak Urdu language being a national languages of Pakistan. Many times I speak English, Punjabi and other languages. Majority of Pakistani people speak Urdu. Although majority of civilized and educated people speak Urdu yet I felt bias against Urdu. There exist such people who say Bhaiya or Indian to those people who speak Urdu. In Lahore and Tajpura Scheme, there are people who use a humiliating word Hindustora for Urdu speaking people. I have evidential hypothesis that I am facing persecution explained on this website due to the fact that often I speak Urdu. I am spending miserable life here. It is very worrying situation since it is linguistic and ethnic discrimination. People should not discriminate languages since languages are just means of communication. Good and bad people are present in every society. What is the benefit of creation of Pakistan if different language speaker cannot live together peacefully? There are only small numbers of languages which are being spoken in Pakistan yet there is considerable discrimination. No country can survive in such circumstances. In advanced countries hundreds of language speakers live together side by side. I have felt ethnic and sectarian discrimination and violence. Although there are severe punishments for such discrimination and violence yet such criminals are persecuting people without any fear. Very honestly I question benefit of the creation of Pakistan when we did not get our most basic rights here. Even Indian government keeps muslims in better conditions. Glory of muslim Indian film actors and politicians is clear example. In such circumstances, partition of India of year 1947 might have been annulled. I am writing this because I failed to get my fundamental rights despite doing all humanely possible efforts. I have added these lines when I am aroused from sleep at 4.00 A.M due to mind control torture.
English is official while Urdu is National language of Pakistan. Bias exists against both languages especially against English being foreign language. There are many people at high lucrative positions who can not even speak Urdu language properly. These people promote regional language and specific interest groups. Since employment is provided on the basis of links, nepotism, political affiliation and bribe these people ensure position for their children through their regional interest groups.

In previous century Urdu was evolved due to interaction of various languages and civilizations. Such an evolution is not taking place due to bias and preservation of local languages and interests. English language and regional languages words should be added and accepted in Urdu for making it more universal and acceptable language. However, such evolution takes hundreds of year.

M sarfaraz uddin
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