Economic development
(Zeeshan Ahmed Khan, Karachi)
Potential of Pakistan for her
development is tremendous. We need to devote our attention in exploiting our
hidden and known recourses to our advantage. This area requires detailed
analysis. However, this piece seeks motivation from the Father of Nation
Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who said:
"Nature has given you everything. You have got unlimited recourses. The
foundations of your state have been laid, and it is now for you to build, and
build as quickly and as well as you can. So go ahead and I wish you God-speed".
(Extracted from message on the First Anniversary of Pakistan, August 14, 1948)
While emphasising on exploiting enormous resources and potentialities of
Pakistan, he said as under:
"It is in your hand; we have undoubtedly talents; Pakistan is blessed with
enormous resources and potentialities; providence has endowed us with all the
wealth of nature and now it lies with man to make the best of it". (Extract from
Radio Speech from Lahore, October 30, 1947)
Learning from others: Several countries of the world are success stories due to
strategies employed by them. We ought to learn from their approach and, Insha
Allah, Pakistan has the capacity and capability to emerge as a strong economic
powerhouse. This piece share some selected examples of success stories using one