Karachi Population

(Arbab Ahmed, Karachi)

Pakistan has been currently under so many dilemmas but the main one is overpopulation. The scarcity of food and water, change in climate is only due to overpopulation. Million of people suffering under a complexion of starvation and lack of resources. According to World Papulation Data Sheet (WPDS) that the papulation of Pakistan will increase from 194.9 million now to 256 million by 2030, if the birth rate continue with the same speed. As I mentioned it above that overpopulation lead so many issues to further elaborate, I quote China’s example: if today the papulation of china is less than what it is, it would have been more prosperous. Though you may not agree with me, yet it is truth. The papulation of Pakistan is interlinked with the papulation of Karachi because Karachi contain 15% of Pakistan total papulation.

Karachi is one of the Pakistan most secular and liberal city. The secret of metropolitan city population is that this city represents so many ethnic and religious groups. Karachi is home to about 2 million Bangladeshi immigrant, 1million Afghani refugee, and up to 400,000 Rohingya from Mayanmar.

Karachi has grown rapidly is last few decades, the population density of Karachi is rise to 24,000 people per sq. km or 63,000 per sq. miles. This means Karachi rapid growth moves metropolis city towards “Mega City” of the world. in 2016, Karachi was declared as the seventh largest city of the world with the estimated population of more than 16 Million. However Karachi contributes 70% revenues to Pakistan, the largest stock of exchange market is Karachi based. This city handles 95% of trade of Pakistan.

The media, politicians, and leaders only talk about terrorism, corruption, Military, Economy, employment, inflation, load shedding, education, health, law and order, but they are not talk about the major problem that is rapidly increases as more compared to the these problem (Overpopulation). The birth rate are increasing very fastly and we have one of the highest birth rate of the world but we don’t care.

Just imagine if any city have 21 million people, I am sure that all the problem that I am mentioned above would have been minor concern. The main and genuine problem is overpopulation. If we control overpopulation than we control all the problem which are present in our surrounding, but the first to restraint the overpopulation

According to the some urban demographers and researchers, the population of Karachi has crossed over 24 million. This growing population is a headache for the Provincial Government as the congested city already facing too many problems i.e traffic congestion, sanitation and sewerage problem, electricity and water shortage, and health and education complication. It has also observed that increase in population also pushes up the crime rate from which the law and order situation of the city became uncontrollable and unmanageable specially in under developing countries city which have constraint resources.

The current transport, housing, water and food problem have the roots in overpopulation because we haven’t sufficient resource to fulfill the requirement of increasing population. The infrastructure of Karachi was planned. Another main problem arise due to overpopulation is traffic jam in street there are so many vehicles on the roads.

Trapped in the ruthless poverty cycle along with rapid population growth, rural natives seek opportunities in Karachi city. Settlers from smaller cities and villages migrate to metropolis in the hope for better employment, health, education, transport, and shelter, that results overpopulation, so we can say that the main Karachi’s overpopulation is the migration of people from rural areas to Karachi for desirable employment, satisfied health and higher quality of education and many other positive prospects. This conclusion is that many other problem like sanitation and sewerage problem, pure drinking water problem, poor health facilities, and traffic problems. Karachi rapid growth and mass migration cause the problem of living for the migrants, more than 5 million people live in slums.
Now a days Karachi’s most crucial and notable issue is overpopulation, but unfortunately the gravity and center of the issue has not been understand and realize, and not to speak of taking measures to solve it, and the bitter reality is that we are neglecting such a important thing that is quality of people in the society in terms of education and skills.

The next government must develop the techniques to bring the birth rate down during its period of governance. No matter how much progress and development take place in the country the matter is that overpopulation will never let us prosper. We have to create awareness among the people about the benefit of small family and negative impact of early marriages through all the channels of communication that is electronic media, print media, outdoor publicity, and interpersonal communication.

The last but not least important measure for controlling overpopulation is that government should take step and build or develop hospitals, educational institute, industries in small cites or villages in order to provide them better facilities, if they have better facilities in their home town they wouldn’t towards Karachi.

Arbab Ahmed
About the Author: Arbab Ahmed Read More Articles by Arbab Ahmed: 2 Articles with 2831 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.