Islam as Pendulum between Culture and politics

(Sarosh Malik, Islamabad)

Islam is both cultural and faith system but not a political ideology (Politicization). The politicization of Islam in past decades had created a distinction between Islam as religion and cultural system and the use of Islamic culture symbols for the political purpose gave rise to resurgent Islamism. Basically, Political Islam is coming out of the crisis of situations: it is both crisis of meaning and structure. On the other hand, Islam has been pushed into conflict between socio-cultural structures and culture Fragmentations. Though, there is a inter-cultural structure of communication but there is a political dissociation at large scale of the non-Western from the Western Culture even Indigenous Culture. It is a crystal clear fact that the combination of Civilizational Unity and Cultural diversity is the hall mark of Islam. Islam is a cultural system rather Political System. The Creation of “Islamicate” as Pax-Islamica in Arabia which was all aimed at uniting the Warring Arab Tribes but today it is being used for exactly opposite Purposes: disuniting and Fragmentation. Basically, It is political Islam as an ideology that Oscillates Islam between Culture and Politics. It is nothing but the Politicization of Islamic Cultural Objects and Symbols. The Pseudo-Islamists want to establish a prototype “Khilafa” (Islamic State) by acting as Homo Politicus (A man of Politics) and Homo Religious (A man of religion). In contrast, it is the Muslim predicament with Modernity that causes trouble in Islam. For Instance, the Islamization of Knowledge claimed by the Islamists is totally opposed to that of “Anthropologization of Knowledge” along the line of classical Sociology of knowledge once established by Karl Mannheim. What Karl argued: “Knowledge is neither abstract nor detached from the social conditions for it evolves out of condition of being. But, the Islamist staunchly rejects the notion of “Culture Relativism” (denies both subjectivity and objectivity of Knowledge). They are neo- Absolutist. In reality, the Political Islam has directly linked with the predicament. Though the Islamist do embark the concept of Semi-Modernity, which refers to the Islamization of Modernity, which means adoption of its material achievements while furiously rejecting the Cultural underpinning. They have radical formula that aimed at decoupling Modern knowledge from its links to cultural Modernity: it links to the primacy of reason and off course to secularity. The values of Modernity are Democracy, Plurality and Human Rights.

Basically, the Islamists call their anti-Western hysteria as a resistance against the Western Universalism and indigenous Pluralism (they are rejecting both). Moreover, there is a trouble in understanding of Cultural Modernity and diversity as they claim it belongs to western values. As an Illustration, there must be made a clear distinction between the instruments of Modernity (Science and Technology) and valued based cultural worldview of Cultural Modernity and diversity. In his philosophical discourse of Modernity JurgenHebermas refers to the Key events, which contributed in the establishment of European project of Modernity. They are as follows:
1. Renaissance 2. Reformation of Religion 3. The Enlightenment 4. French Revolution

It was the above mentioned events that contributed in the rationalization of European worldview of Knowledge, culture and Science. According to Hebermas, the core idea of Culture Modernity is the “Principle of Subjectivity” because of two reasons:
1. Firstly, man shapes its own destiny through reason and rationality.
2. Secondly, this makes the religious faith reflective in all aspects whether culture or ethics.

Moreover, Hebermas subjectivity has four Connotations: Individual being part of Collectivism, Right to Criticism, Anatomy of action, and Idealistic Philosophy itself as self-Conscious idea. What Kant said “Human reason is the only idea refer to and it can’t be stopped “. Until and unless the religion is reformed through subjective reason, there would be always a misconception that revolts against the Western hegemony had been confused with the renunciation of universal values and the misconception to differentiate the industrial items from the Social Items.

In a nut shell, it is the inner Islamic pendulum between Culture and Politics that is fueling resurgent Islamism by rejecting indigenous Cultures and Customs by referring them as the Western ideals and values.
#Islam is not #Islamism rather #Pluralism and #Peace.

Indigenous Cultures are part of our Collective Identity and they cannot be renounced neither by religion nor by Cults.

Sarosh Malik
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