The most important factor i
have found to be helpful in any task on hand is ENTHUSIASM.
Trying to achieve something without enthusiasm,is like trying to drive a car
with an empty fuel tank. No matter how many times you turn the ignition key on,
no matter how great the car is, no matter which genius manufacturer it belongs
to, simply put, it will not move an inch.
Your mind works the same way.No matter how intelligent you are, how
knowledgeable you have become, what great set of skills you have acquired....if
you lack enthusiasm for any task on hand, you are driving yourself on an empty
fuel tank. Imagine Jinnah, If he had no enthusiasm in his movement, would you be
a Pakistani today ?
Enthusiasm comes when you decide to do something looking at the positive
outcome. It comes when you are excited about the results. It comes when you love
what you do. And you accept the fact that hurdles will come along the way but
Allah is with me. This is where the link between enthusiasm and a die hard
belief in ALLAH comes in. People who have faith in a positive outcome are
enthusiastic people. Enthusiasm is the opposite of MAAYOOSI. If maayoosi is
haram then Enthusiasm must be something Allah SWT loves. And if you are doing
something he loves you are obeying him. And if you obey him throughout any task,
how can you fail ? Who in this world has ever failed obeying Allah. But the
condition is that you remain enthusiastic throughout your task, not enthusiastic
one day and MAAYOOS the next.
Thus enthusiasm has a direct correlation to Allah's instructions. And once you
obey his instructions, he will reward you with easing your task. Giving you more
confidence, more ideas, more positive thoughts, more of everything you need to
There are no secrets to success. There is no hidden script to success. There are
no instructional manuals for success. It is your mind that will lead you to your
goals .... It is your mental attitude and mental attitude alone which will make
you successful. Allah praises one thing in Quran the most, Human Mind. And who
better to tell you what is the most powerful organ in your body than the creator
himself... Follow his command. Simple.