(Muhammad Zeeshan Qureshi, )

Defence Day which is also commonly known as the 'Yom-e-Difa' is annually celebrated as National Day in Pakistan to commemorate in the memory of Defence of Pakistan's border and specially Lahore by the armed forces from the India that was witnesses and calendered on September 6th, 1965.

The day, 6th September starts with the recitation of verses from Holy Quran, special prayers are made for the peace,prosperity and long life of the Pakistan. Ministers of Islamic Republic of Pakistan addresses to people from different places; includes The Tomb of Quaid-e-Azam, General Head Quarters etc.The people from almost each and every discipline of life hoist the flags in their homes, offices, schools, colleges universities, private and government sectors. Forces showed the parade at General Head Quarter, Wahga border, Quaid-e-Azam's tomb etc. Army of Pakistan displays the latest missiles, tanks, guns and weapons, army aviation helicopters, battle planes and armament being used by Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical Corps, Army Air Defence, Signals, Army Service Corps and Army Medical Corps live on various different places. Every citizen is allowed to watch these functions live by going to theese specific places. These shows are also displayed live on national and international TV channels as well. National songs and special documentaries about 6th September, 1965 and martyred people of 6th September war are also displayed on Television and remain debated among the Television anchors for the whole day long. Along with these acts awards ceremonies, speech and debates sessions are also set in the honor of the martyr soldiers. People use to play and sing the Patriotic Songs, pray for their countries, wishes to each other and specially promised to save Pakistan from any sort of danger.

People of Pakistan celebrates this day, still today just to remind the native of Pakistan that people of Paksitan are brave enough and they can not tolerate those evil eyes who try to defeat and even wish to damage Pakistan from any point of view and people feels proud to defense their homelands even through the sacrifices of their lives. No one feels any hesitations or obstructions for sacrificing their lives at the time of demand.

Pakistan and India, fought the war because of their second conflict i.e Jammu and Kashmir in August 1965 which was ended on 6th September 1965; the prime motive of the war was the issue of Jammu and Kashmir; the two countries try to stop each other by the usage of weapons, tanks, missiles etc but they were failed to do so. Finally, the clash did not resolve the dispute of Jammu and Kashmir's issue and leads to an end by the intervention of United Nation and the Soviet Union. Number of people from both the sides lost their lives; many weapons and tools were utilized by the soldiers to overcome the situation as a result economically and financially both the countires were badly affected but no country was dominated in result.
In Pakistan, the braved soliders who sacrificed their precious lives includes the Captain Sarwar, Major Tufail, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti, Major Shabbir Sharif, Major Muhammad Akram, Muhammad Hussain Janjua, Lance Naik Muhammad Mehfooz, and Havaldar Lalak Jan were awarded with "Nishan-e-Haider" for their extra ordinary acts of exceptional and remarkable bravery. Nishan-e-Haider is the highest military award given to martyred of Pakistan people who laid their lives for the defence of their dear homeland.

An environment of patriotism is generated in the Pakistan on 6th September. People decided to work with honesty, discipline, selfless devotion for their homeland and also prepare themselves to sacrificed their lives in the defence of country, whenever it demands.

Muhammad Zeeshan Qureshi
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