Freedom Of Expression( Sharriat)

(TANIA AHSAN, islamabad)

The implication of shariah

(With special attention and utmost respect for our learned Islamic scholars, Please excuse me for any mistake in religious information. I have tried my best to be clear in my concepts of Islam .This is my innocent endeavor to give a wake up call to all for the sake of all of us.). We live in a Muslim country with the population of 170 million; almost 90% of them are Muslims.

There are two parts of our deen. (Our religion our social system that is Islam) First part is haqooqAllah and Second part is haqookullibad.We fulfill HaqooqullALLAH by offering .the ibadats
Which are?

And by offering All social dealings with human beings= Maammilat we fullfil Haqooqul Ibad. In a true sense we are not full filling both by leaving one and doing the other, If we are fulfilling HaqooqALLAH and not fulfilling Haqooqu libad consciously then HaqooqALLAH is not accepted ,And if we are fulfilling HaqooqullIbad and are not fulfilling HaqooqALLAH consciously then Haqooqulibad is not accepted.

It is commonly and easily noticed by all Islam practicing walks of society, That If we miss the ibadat our social life gets affected, and if we miss social obligations our ibadats get affected, in both ways we loose, both Haqooq are damaged by the misunderstanding and Miscalculation of both HaqookALLAH and Hakooqullibad. In Simple words the car cannot run on two tires when it has to run on four.
The bird cannot fly with one wing.
The four legged animals cannot walk on two.

Since, we are too naive to understand that all life is from ALLAH who gives it and takes it .All provision is from ALLAH, Who gives it and takes it. Because!!!!!!
Don’t disasters come to non-Muslims life?
Don’t accidents happen to them.?
Don’t they die of disease.?
Don’t they have all provisions of life ?
Non- Muslims are not self sufficient in saving them selves from
Life, death, disease and disaster.
It happens to all any way,
All over the world.

The present Dilemma of the state of Pakistan does not understand the world better but, its understanding our selves better. So implication of SHARIAH is the way TO UNDERSTAND OUR SELVES BETTER AND WHEN WE UNDERSTAND OUR SELVES BETTER then we fulfills Haqookullibad .and haqookAllah. Both actually we are standing no where by leaving one HAQ or the other HAQ with our conscious mind.

The implication of SHARRIAT means, as every Muslim should know is the protection of human Life, Property and Honor. Our Beloved Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) has given us the example with his life time for his ummah and the entire world.

Our whole Human Life revolves around these 3 things or we can say the life is all about these three matters ALAH ALL MIGHYTY has made us .AND only ALLAH knows the best about the working of a human mind, so when we expect Good behavior, Fair dealings and honorable Conduct from fellow human beings!!!!!! , It’s impossible that those (human beings) do it with out command, or they are commanded by force to do so, BECAUSE!!!!!!! If, it was for human kind to decide, for them then there would be only jails and torture houses.

Today as we speak the laws and orders are being made to put people to discipline, and if, it was enough for people to socially behave with out accepting THE WAHDANIAT OF ALLAH ALL MIGHTY, Or any body s command, Then we have the example of people and nations living with much infrastructural discipline and they have lost all social discipline, and we have the example of our own country where people do love ALLAH and love prophet (pbuh) and don’t have a clue of practicing Islam or living in an Islamic life style. They just don’t have any idea what so, ever how to be a Muslim in fact it is a nightmare a disaster of social discipline as per human standards and if this diseased social system is thriving today, That is because, Of The absence of Shariah, And the consequences are. The burden of sin , depression of economic inadequacy , disaster of social interaction and ignorance to knowledge , thus unhappy lives , and then one is compelled to divert like majority on this planet towards immediate entertainment for mind soothing .Which is it self is like drugs, which has to be taken continuously,

SO, REALITY CHECKS WE ARE NOT PRACTICING ISLAM COMPETELY. Today as we are standing as the citizens of the Islamic republic of Pakistan we know the social disorders Pakistan “s people are facing the list is long, (There is no protection of human life, property and honor at all.)
WHICH ARE!!!!!!!!!!!????????????
Rape, Gang Rape
Child molestation
Women trafficking
Child trafficking,
Human organ trafficking
Drug trafficking
X-rated literature (haram)
X-rated movies (haram),
Common availability of liquor (haram)
Absence of Religious education on national bases.
No economical and Moral protection for Widows and Orphans or minorities.
Poverty taking its Toll to unbelievable heights.
80 % of citizens don’t have access to clean drinking water.
70 % of citizens don’t have houses to live in.
70% of citizens don’t have any infrastructure of a town. Where they live.
40% of citizens don’t have food to eat.
And clothes to wear.
99.9% don’t have accessibility to law and fair judgment.

Now, if we want social discipline in our land then there is no way accept, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN in true practical sense because!!!!! The Building cannot stand straight, until it has balanced and strong base and with all pillars intact not, one is missing.

By the Way, When we say that,
Hajj, are the pillars of Islam,

We don’t say that to people (like us) who are completely unaware of the promulgation of law of Islam, That is SHARIAH, but it is for Muslims who are living in an Islamic state where all law and order is according to SHARIAH. And the Hakim and The Mahkoom are all practicing Muslims in an Islamic state. (Like Saudi Arab).

Now the unfortunate citizens of this Pak land have to recognize that they are Muslims and they have to open their eyes to their true identity. The identity of a Muslim to be a good Muslim we have to have a system. ….and the System works like a CIRCLE Good mothers =Good children = Good husbands =Good fathers =Good leaders= good Governance=Good Society =good families=good environment=good education=good mothers.

The Nifaz of SHARRIAT is about maammellat (social order in society)
The implications of the absence of nifas-e -SHARRIAT are very obvious; there is all kind of social ills growing day by day,
All social and Family life is almost on the verge of destruction.
All population is dividing into further and further groups.
All young and old are confused and horrified of regulations.
All walks of life have there own set of interpretation of Islam.
All are adamant blindly that undefined freedom of expression is a
Task to be fulfilled.
All elite want as much freedom as they can not swallow,
All are heading towards the Road of self destruction.

And Last but not the least every one is trying to teach each other there part of learned good moral. Which is the most damaging and mind blowing of all because; it’s naturally ego shattering to take command or moral order or advice from a nobody? Instead of a religious scholar or a head and it takes a human being to the extremes of suicide bombing. This matter is so grave that every one is teaching every one teaching each other like every one has opened a school for every one!!! Amer _bil _maaroof and nahi _ anil _ munkar IS OUR DUTY TO EACH OTHER,But it will be defined Grace fully when people will stop fighting for what is right and what is wrong first. It is quite embarrassing to see the work of a sheikh or a religious scholar being performed by every one on the street , every one on the media, every one in town .and every one from all professions but Islamic scholar. It has come to this day that the non - Muslims have to tell us how to be a good Muslim. We have become a mockery for people around us.

The time is calling to finally choose between the Promulgation of the Shariah...( of The last prophet Mohammad Sallallaho alaihe wassallam) Or the 65 year old NASA laboratory for all kinds of failed experiments ( not even failed but self destructive and harmful ) of Failed education system , Failed judicial system, Failed society, Failed political system, failed economy, Failed town planning, Failed human dignity, And failed national character.

About the Author: TANIA AHSAN Read More Articles by TANIA AHSAN: 2 Articles with 2452 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.