(Muhammad Shoaib Tanoli, )

Yesterday I went to a leading fast food chain with my family, Security guard was standing attentive alongside the door, he saw us coming and opened the door for us, it always embarrassed me that someone is open a door for me, I request him to pls close the door, then I had a firm handshake with him and ask Baba why you are opening it for us, he said Sir “IT’S MY DUTY”. I asked again, who told you that it’s your duty? He replied “my Management”. I told him, No Baba, it’s not your duty, neither to open a door nor call me or anyone else “Sir”, your responsibility is to provide security, Ppl who are coming here can easily open the door, it’s not that difficult. He said “Sir it’s an order from the Management and secondly Ppl like it and enjoy this facility, few even can’t bother to reply our Salam. Ppl like you are very rare who doesn’t like it. I have no other choice but to do it, I am a poor man, I have a family to look after”

Please discourage this practice, their duty is to provide us a sense of security so that we can have a good quality time with our family. If they do it, hold them, shake hand, pass a smile, treat them well, and if you have a problem to do it, then atleast say Thank You, because they are also the Prince of their Parents and King of their Kids.

Muhammad Shoaib Tanoli
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