Event Management
There is lot of events which comes in every one’s life and it entails lot of memories which becomes the part of life forever. If event is established accurately and smoothly without any upset then it becomes memorable event but if it involves some loopholes then it becomes bad experience for the life. In order to make the event a successful, it demands lot of efforts, patience and concentration. Some time we hire professional people to make the event successful. Though it is a gigantic job but by giving diligence and due concentration every event can be made a successful.
Following are major types of events:
Family Events
• Weddings
• Wedding Anniversaries
• Birth Days
• Traveling
• Visit plans
Corporate Events
• Conferences
• Seminars
• Meetings
• Business Dinner
• Team Building Events
• Inauguration Ceremonies
• Trade Shows
• Official Traveling
• Product launching
• VIP events
• Award Ceremonies
• Board Meetings
Each event demands much more attention according to its importance and situation. Wedding ceremony is one of the most important events which entail huge expenses. However, if the event is timely managed/ well planned then both mental agony and expenses can be overcome. Now the question is that how it is to be done. Every event includes five major parts:
• Thinking
• Planning
• Execution
• Follow up
• Post event evaluation
Think well about the event prior its execution and make a team comprising potential members having good sense of humor is a very essential part of every event. Make a detail check list of each step which is to be executed later and clearly defined the responsibilities to the team member. First, list down the invitees which are to be invited in the event while mentioning number of persons against them. Think well at this stage because if any important person is escaped then it may create irritation at later. After listing down the invitees, segregate them event wise for example if a person is to be invited at Rasme Hina and second is to be invited at Wedding and Wleema then it should be mentioned against them.
S No Name Rasme Hina Wedding Waleema
1 Abc & family 01 02 02
2 Xyz & family 02 02 02
Total 03 04 04
It helps to manage the accommodation, catering and other arrangement because it gives exact figure which is to be given to the third party for arrangement of catering as catering is arranged on per head basis. After finalization of invitees list next phase is sending of cards, this is also very important because guests see the card and act upon accordingly. Once list of invitees is prepared properly and exact figure of guests is known then your half of the event becomes successful. However only sending the cards is not enough to understand that our job has been accomplished. Strong follow up through telephone calls or confirmation of invitees personally helps to figure out the actual attendees. After accomplishment of the event post event evaluation should be carried out which can eliminate the mistakes/ errors to avoid mismanagement next time.