Social distancing Vs man

(Muhammad Saleem Baloch, Karachi)

It is said that man is a social animal. Which means he or she can not live and survive without interaction as to conform the societal norms. From centuries man has always managed to live in harmony with others because it is in his instinct. It is said about instinct that mountain can be moved but instinct can't be changed. As far as habits are concerned they are developing with time and can be given up with time. But instinct is so deeply rooted that it really takes some nerves to resist. According to psychological research, if someone is made not to do something, people will get more curious about the things being refrain from.

As we all know the outcome," Curiosity killed the cat". It's really hard to resist the nature and instinct. Now taking the current global and local rather glocal scenario, we have strictly been asked to keep social distancing. It means to do something against our basic human instinct as now salvation and survival is conditional to keeping at least one metre e.g three feet distance from others. Sounds eccentric and contradictory, isn't it? In fact survival lies in social distancing for us who are called social animals or else survival will be at great risk. No doubt the humanity is going through the unprecedented changes of our time since our long and ancient history. This time may change some popular sayings like," Only the fittest will survive." To "Only the distant will survive." Now, it's in our hands to keep distance and shake hands or accept the pieces of advice by the medical experts to keep distance or let the instinct dominate. Final choice will determine our survival.

Muhammad Saleem Baloch
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