Vermicomposting truly is nature's great disappearing act! Aristotle once Said, "Worms are the Intestines of the Earth" and Charles Darwin wrote a book on worms and their activities, in which he stated that there may not be any other creature that has played so important role in the history of life on earth. Using worms to convert decomposing food waste into nutrient-rich fertilizer is simple, inexpensive, energy efficient, and a great way to teach students to become life-long recyclers. Vermicomposting technology is known throughout the world. As a process for handling organic matter, it represents an alternative approach in waste management. In this sense, Vermicomposting is compatible with sound environmental principles that value conservation of resources and sustainable practices. This system utilizes microbial activity to break down organic matter in the moist, aerobic environment. Vermicomposting is however faster, produces fewer odours and produces a superior product vermicast. But Vermicomposting requires surface for pit, more moisture, and is susceptible to heat, and substances that may be toxic to earthworms. Earthworm species, specific species of litter dwelling earthworms are required for this purpose. Vermicomposting in developing countries could prove to be useful in many instances. Where accumulation of food wastes, paper, cardboard, agriculture waste, manures and bio solids is problematic. As we know the different diseases come in existences due to the chemically grown food items. Now the need of hour is to produce organic food stuffs. Organic farming is the best farming which has no long effect on health. Vermicomposting offer potential to turn waste material into a valuable soil amendment. Department of Botany, GDC Boys Baramulla has trained over 150 students till now. If you are interested to start vermicomposting unit feel free to contact with NSS Units or Department of Botany GDC Baramulla.

Vermicomposting is the process by which worms are used to convert organic materials (usually wastes) into a humus-like material known as vermicompost or vermicast. The goal is to process the material as quickly and efficiently as possible. Waste minimization is a very important aspect of waste management systems. As organic waste is by far the largest component in Jammu and Kashmir and it is also responsible for many environmental problems such as production of bad smell, leach and combustible gas when it is disposed in a landfill. To convert unwanted, organic matter, particularly food scraps, vegetable wastes, peelings, cow dung, leaves and paper into fertile soil. By developing & propagating vermicompost technology will directly or indirectly help to prevent environmental pollution, by using vermicompost in the field & thereby increasing crop yield it will help to solve food problems. It will lead towards organic farming & healthy food. In today's world, recycling of garbage has become necessary in order to sustain our health and environment. So let’s join for Four R's of Recycling Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Restore. Now Government is also taking the necessary step towards Organic forming. Organic farming is the best farming which has no long effect on health.

There are two basic types of Vermicomposting systems of interest to farmers: Beds and Bins. A bed works like a pit. The main difference is that the bed is contained within four walls and (usually) a floor, and is protected and bin is any container covered by a lid. The beds/Pit can be built with bricks or concrete walls with dimensions of 8ft length, 5ft breadth and 3ft height.
Initial steps for vermicomposting

• Collection of waste from their surroundings, particularly food scraps, vegetable wastes, peelings, cow dung, leaves, paper and cardboards. The waste is then segregated as biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
• The Biodegradable waste material is then cut into small pieces by means of cutter machine or axe.
• The biodegradable agro waste is allowed to its partial decomposition for 10 to15 days for achieving better activity of earthworm and nutrient enriched vermicompost production.
• Construction of vermicompost bed/pit as availability of land as mentioned earlier.
• Partially decomposed agro waste material is arranged in layers in the vermicompost bed.

Manufacturing process: Preparation method of vermicompost bed:
As part of the vermicomposting the materials were produced using the same inputs – cattle manure, with straw used as bedding for the vermicomposting and bulking in the composting process.

For Pit/Bed

Put the 6” layer of partially biodegradable agro waste at the bottom of bed.7-10” layer of cow dung slurry is applied on it and leave it for further decomposing of the agro waste for 1 to 2 days. After partial decomposition, cow dung slurry is covered by the 1” layer of soil. Now add few grams of calcium carbonate to it and then sprinkle little water on it to make it moist. Repeat the same procedure till the vermicompost bed gets filled. Now take compost worms and spread them throughout on the top of the bed/pit. Cover it with jute bags then sprinkle little water on it to make them wet and check regularly the moisture content, humidity, temperature and other parameters that worms need for successful composting.After completing it cover the top of the bed with polyethene or make roof on the top of bed of GI Sheets for protecting it from birds and rain water.

For Bin

Bin is any container covered by a lid usually waste plastic bucket. You need at least 2 bins for vermicomposting. Bin composting is so simple and easy to do you have to collect household waste from our surrounding particularly food scraps, vegetable wastes, peelings, cow dung, leaves, paper and cardboards. The waste is then segregated as biodegradable and non-biodegradable and cut it into the small pieces. Now put these pieces into one of the bin and cover it with lid, leave it atleast for three days. After three days, open half of the lid of bin for aeration. After complete decomposition of waste, take worms and put them into the bin and sprinkle little water into the bin and keep it undisturbed aside in your lawn. Repeat the above procedure for another bin. After one and half month take out the compost from 1st bin and collect worms from the compost and put them into the another bin repeat the process continuously.

Vermicomposting appears to be the most promising as high value bio-fertilizer which can not only increases the plant growth and productivity by nutrient supply but also is cost effective and pollution free. Use of vermicompost promotes soil aggregation and stabilizes soil structure. This improves the air- water relationship of soil, thus increasing the water retention capacity and encourages extensive development of root system of plants. The mineralization of nutrients is observed to be enhanced, therefore results into boosting up of crop productivity.

Umar Majeed Khan
About the Author: Umar Majeed Khan Read More Articles by Umar Majeed Khan: 6 Articles with 5132 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.