True Religion

(Sadia Tairq, Karachi)

We are living in a modern society many people don't follow their religion properly , but many of them do. Some people think which religion is correct ? or which religion is true ? or Can There Be One Right Religion?.So, the answer is every religion is a true religion it depends upon us either we are satisfied about our religion or we have some doubts.If we are completely satisfied then the religion is true.Different people adopt different religions to find God. Religions make a spiritual connection between God and man. The main purpose of every religion in the world is to create peace and to bond people. Every religion teaches it’s a follower to love humanity and after it to God. It is a wrong belief that Allah, God, and other names that are being used by other religions are different. Some followers have an immense belief that God is one, and some reject it. Prophets of God founded all the religions which are now in the world. Some religions are too old; even it becomes tough to find their origin and the Prophet who founded it. There are about 4200 religions in the world, but the minority of people have no belief in God means that they don’t follow any religions. They strictly reject views of every religion these kinds of people mainly found in Europe.Many criticize Christianity for its exclusivity, but Christians are not the only group claiming to have the truth. Notice in the chart above that four of the five religions claims exclusivity. They believe that all other religions are false. Hindus often do not claim exclusivity. In fact, many are happy to say that Christianity is true. But the key is what they mean by it. Hindus believe all religions are true when they are subsumed within the Hindu system. In other words, according to Hinduism, Christianity is one medium by which people can experience reincarnation.But what Hindus don’t mean is that Christianity is true on its own terms. So, like adherents of all other religions, Hindus actually believe Christianity is false, thereby joining every other religious group (including atheists and agnostics) in the belief that only their own worldview is true. Muslims believe that God is the creator of all things, and that God is all-powerful and all-knowing. God has no offspring, no race, no gender, no body, and is unaffected by the characteristics of human life. Muslims believe that God is the creator of all things, and that God is all-powerful and all-knowing. God has no offspring, no race, no gender, no body, and is unaffected by the characteristics of human life.The point is every Religion is true.Hear the sound of your heart.

Sadia Tairq
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