Peace Journalism Definition: ‘When editors and reporters make
choices of what stories to report and about how to report them’ And it also
creates opportunities for the society to consider non-violent responses to
conflict. Major Focus: Analyze the conflict
Peace Journalism Transform the conflict to update the concept of balanced
fairness and accuracy in reporting Tracing the connection between journalists
and their sources and stories they cover and their consequences. Build an
awareness of non-violence. Creativity into the practical job of everyday editing
and reporting.
Conflict according to peace: According to peace journalism, conflict is:
“Relationship between two or more parties (individuals or group), who have or
think they have incompatible goals, needs and interests” ABC of Conflict, A=
Attitudes like Hatred B= behavior like violence C= contradiction like issues ,
Introduction:Its new conception in shaping news of truth. It shapes facts rather
than propaganda. It uncovers the dark sides of pictures. Media performs the
crucial role in promotion of peace it focuses on the issue of peace keeping and
peace building. It modify the attitudes of people towards peace process.
It has the quality to escalate and de-escalate the conflict. It requires
professional values and neutrality. It stands for ‘truth’ as opposed to
‘propaganda’ and ‘lies’ (-Galtung 2005:5) Different theorists named it
differently like ‘good Journalism’, ‘accurate Journalism’, ‘post realistic
journalism’, ‘conflict analysis Journalism’, ‘de-escalation oriented conflict
Reporting’ and ‘responsible Journalism’. It helps to promote peace initiatives.
It allows the reader to differentiate between stated positions and actual goals.
Peace journalism is superior than conflict reporting (Hanitzsch, 2004 & 2007)
Media can contribute to conflict ending and promote peace.
History Of Peace Journalism
History: Concept of ‘Peace Journalism’ was originated 1973 by ‘Johan
Galtung’Peace Journalism give the structural and cultural causes of violence, as
it effects the lives of people. It provides the platform for all conflicting
parties and provides all the possible solutions to reduce the intensity of
Propaganda: “ Perceptions are deliberately shaped, and cognitions manipulated to
achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist ” (Jowett
& O’ Donnell 1999: 6)
Influence of Media on the Process of Peace: In broad spectrum, media can have
some contributions on any peace process like: a. They can assist the political
settings in which the peace can exist. b. Media has vibrant control on policy
and approach of stake holders to conflict. c. Media has strong impact of
discourse on peace process, and can strengthen or weaken public opinions.
Example in Pakistani context: Political conflict b/w govt, Taaliban and
presssure groups Disturbed the economic and social conditions of communities
Causes insecurities and threats from Taliban and military Population leaving
FATA and forced to migrate other parts of country Population is more vulnerable
to violence
Cycle Of Violence
Breaking the cycle
Intervention for physical security
Peace Journalism And War Journalism:
Development and Future Directions The value of peace Journalism lies in the
possibility of it bringing a positive change in the media’s coverage of conflict
situations. Give a better understanding to the people about different
conflicting issues. It is actually a paradigm shift of traditional media
approach towards conflict. All the Journalists and Conflict resolution Experts
have to make it applicable in their own domains. Journalists have to face
various threats and it restricts the press freedom. The press freedom has to
restore, because peace media is almost absent in Pakistan. The main intention of
television news is not to inform audiences but to keep them energized enough to
carry on watching.
Conclusion Peace is unstructured and wide ranging. The sentiments associated
with it are delicate, individual and internal. Peace Journalism attempts to
depolarize the conflicts by presenting the black and white of all
sides.Journalism can build peace in the country. Media is considered as a tool
to de escalate. Journalism influence the policy makers towards peace. It brings
hidden stories in front of audience. It’s the prime duty of journalists to adopt
a balanced stance during conflict situation.Peace Journalism help bridge the
gaps between the enemies. Lack of education is taken as an impediment to proper
reporting. Journalists should develop the complete perception of the conflict to
their audience in order to mirror the reality. Negative minded journalists frame
news in terms of tension creation.