
(Tabinda Hussain, Karachi)

Once upon a time, there were three friends (Sarfaraz, jahanzeb and anil) they were actually a childhood friends, and they had a lot of loves for each other. One day, when they were engaged in playing basketball Sarfaraz saw a beautiful girl who wore a long frock, and he is supposed to fall in love with her his friends jahanzeb and anil noticed that Sarfaraz was not in his mind, so they decided to stop the game and help his friend Sarfaraz, Sarfaraz who was really not in his mind continuously watch her and suddenly, his friends wakes him up. Sarfaraz became shy and start blushing and discuss that girl to them Sarfaraz's friends promised to help him find his dream girl but sarfaraz refused not to be detective according to him “Destiny is everything.” At the same night, when he was on his bed to sleep he saw the girl's face, the smile of her face and that night he wished to God to give a chance to meet her again so that he explains all his feelings to her. As the days ran off, one week later he again saw that girl wore a traditional dress was crossing the road with his father Suddenly, he saw the truck which was coming to fast towards them he ran to help them but unfortunately his father pushed her daughter to the footpath and got died in an accident her daughter got injured so Sarfaraz took her to the nearest hospital and call their family about the incident the whole family of that girl were in Concussion, and the girl was continuously crying as she lost her father in front of her. Suddenly, her mother came to Sarfaraz and thanked him to take an immediate decision of taking them hospital. When he came back from her home to his home he is decided to help her family in anyhow, so he went to their house the next day. When he reached there the girl's mother welcomed him and asked h to serve tea or coffee he refused to take anything but, he asked her mother to call me anytime you want anything I'll be there Suddenly, he saw that girl with the breakfast in her hand came to him and requested him to take something he was unable to refuse now because he want to converse with her. The time passes, and Sarfaraz became the member of that family Sarfaraz starts to think and think about the girl suddenly, his phone rang, the girl's mother was on call. He asked, “Yes! Auntie Sarfaraz here” The girl's mother said Sarfaraz “My daughter komal is in college if you brings, her back from college I'll be thankful to you actually when her father was alive he picked and dropped her at home, but as now he is not alive I'm requesting you to do this all, may you?? “ Sarfaraz became happy and promised komal's mom to pick and drop komal from college to her home safely and as he promised, so he did his all best. Komal's mother know wants Sarfaraz to become Son in law and Sarfaraz agreed with her mom's proposal and promised her to make her life happy till his last breath, they got married. Komal was became a story writer, and her one day, at 12am when she was sleeping her mobile rungs she received the call and ask Sarfaraz that she has to be in her office right now because her team members decided to visit a horror place to write a true story of horror house named, "Michael's House” Sarfaraz got scared and shocked as he did not want komal to go there but komal requested him to give permission and with his bad feeling he accepted. Komal arrived at 2am and at 4am Sarfaraz felt that komal was crying in the front of his bed he called komal why are you crying she came close to him and say sorry for everything and suddenly got disappeared Sarfaraz worked up and call komal, but she did not accept his call he became worried suddenly, his mobile rings komal's mother was there he asked everything is good? Her mother said Sarfaraz komal is no more she shoot herself in " The Michael's House” when he reached there he saw the death body of his life(Komal) he became very depressed and started to drinks a lot. his friends wants to support and rid him off from that pain but sarfaraz refused them and ask their friends to complete komal's story they decided to go komal's office and asked his boss to continue her story komal's boss apologized them that he couldn't save komal Sarfaraz and his friends requested him to continue her story and hardly he got agreed when he reached “The Michael's House” Sarfaraz and his friends got scared because the house was not a house actually it was a type of “haveli” they started to take the neighbor's view about that house everyone refused to discuss that house but one old man became ready to tell all the story about the house according to the old man, there were a happily family lived in this house, but the boy betrayed his wife, she committed suicide with her daughter soon after her death one day we saw the death body of michael as he received excruciating death according to them the soul of Michael's wife, and her daughter started to kill all human who came to her house so, everyone refuses to tell their story. Sarfaraz with his two friends decided to take the shots of all the rooms and placed cameras on all rooms they decided to remain in separate and observe everything, so they started. At 1am Anil noticed in his camera, that someone captured in his camera, so he became scary but Suddenly, he observe that someone is on his back and called his named Anil, Anil the soul of mother came close to him and cut his head Anil's voice echoed in all place Sarfaraz and jahanzeb came and saw Anil's death body they became scary, but they decided to continue jahanzeb advised Sarfaraz to let back home, but sarfaraz refused he told jahanzeb if he is his friend, so he has to be with him, jahanzeb agreed. The two friends went a separate room again and decided to remain in contact for all time jahanzeb card the soul of mother, and her daughter slowly and asked them to show something on other hand Sarfaraz got again depress as he lost his wife komal as well as his childhood friend Anil Suddenly, he saw the soul of his wife komal he became shocked komal's soul warned him to get back home otherwise the ghost will kill them too, but he said, No! Komal no I want to know the secret of this house I lost you komal because of this house I'll kill everyone komal advised him not to take this decision otherwise you'll be killed Sarfaraz look at me I'll not come back, but I'll be present in your heart so please get back home suddenly, her soul disappeared, and he shouted komal please come back please the tears were on his eyes, and he continuously crying Suddenly, he heated his friend voice who was shouting Sarfaraz help me please anil will kill me Sarfaraz help me Sarfaraz saw that anil was became a monster he got scared but angry, he started to shout to leave him otherwise I'll kill you the monster shouted, and he kicked Sarfaraz and Sarfaraz died when he was taking his last breath he saw his wife komal's soul come close to him and kissed his forehead and asked to come with her, he waked up and their souls start living together. “Human dies, but the loves can't die.

Tabinda Hussain
About the Author: Tabinda Hussain Read More Articles by Tabinda Hussain: 5 Articles with 8709 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.