Future would be challenging

(Mubashar Tanvir, Islamabad)

Surviving in a society is a big challenge in itself. Some people win and others find escape by committing suicide. They think the challenge of eternal life would be much easier than this.

Almost every person in this world is depressed. Problems are the part of life but fighting them and struggling to survive is most important.

Everyone accepts the challenge of sunrise but only few can survive with the sunset.

I would like to quote an incident here which was happened a few days ago, A young boy found dead in his room. He was 27 years old. It was told that he was expelled from his job and he was depressed about finding a new job in this era of unemployment.

Stress is common now and life is precious as it never repeats. We youngsters get panic within few seconds.

Every problem has a solution what we need to do is just think and plan. If you are not good at one thing then go for the other. You need to come out of your comfort zone and take the risk. You need to learn the time management. Job hunting might be a difficult task but marketing your skills is much easier. I am known to many people having master and doctorate degrees with high grades are still unemployed, but they did not lose their hope. They started working on their own, some of them started with a small food stall, few engaged themselves in photography and other chose their fields as per their skills. They all are satisfied in their jobs and earning a handsome amount that they would not be able to earn by doing jobs. What you need is just kill your ego of doing a small job with higher education and do what ever you can.

So, it was never difficult to start. You just need a plan and a move a step forward. If opportunity doesn’t knock then build a door.

We are living in 21st century, a world of competition. If we cannot overcome our small fears of today, then how we would be able to face challenges of future practical life.

As Allama Muhammad Iqbal said:
اس قوم کو شمشیر کی حاجت نہیں رہتی
ہو جس کے جوانوں کی خودی صورت فولاد

Mubashar Tanvir
About the Author: Mubashar Tanvir Read More Articles by Mubashar Tanvir: 8 Articles with 6993 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.