
(Rizwana aziz, Karachi)

Handedness is a tendency to use one hand rather than other to perform most activities .

On average 12% of the world is left handed,87% right handed and 1% ambidextrous (use both hands with equal ease).Researchers believe that our tendency to be right or left-handed is determines in the womb.

Our right hand is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain which is responsible for speech and writing .The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left hand for creativity and imagination so its possible that left handed people are more creative than right handed .just by looking at the hands there is not any visible differences .
Islam organizes all aspects of our lives as well as beliefs acts of worship morals and manners also includes in our private affairs .Islam shows us the way that is befitting to man's noble status and the way in which Allah has honoured him.that includes the way muslim eats and drinks and so on.

1:THINGS TO DO WITH RIGHT HANDS; things that has to do with honour and nobility such as entering the mosque,clipping the nails ,triming the moustache ,combing the hair,eating ,drinking,shaking hands,touching Black stone etc.it's mustard to start on the right and use the right hand.

2:THINGS TO DO WITH LEFT HAND; Opposite things such ad existing the mosque ,entering the toilet ,blowing one's nose, ckeaning oneself after using toilet,taking off one's garments ,pants and shoes .mustahabb tu start in left or use left hand.

In saheeh muslim(2021) it is narrated that a man ate with his left hand in the presence of the messenger of Allah He said:"Eat with your right hand"He said I cannot .He said,"May you never be able to ," for nothing was preventing him from doing so byt arrogance .And hecnever raised it to his mouth again.

In sun Abi Dawood( 33) it is narrated that 'Aa'ishah said: the right hand of the messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him)was for purification and food ,and his left hand wad fir using the toilet and anything that was dirty.

This applies if one is able to eat with the right hand but if one is unable to do so there is no sin in that.if there is any excuse which prevents one sickness and injury etc then it is not MAKROOH!

Rizwana aziz
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