Women violence

(Malaika Khan, Karachi)

Causes Of Violence Against Women And Need For Different Measures To Prevent Them

It is defined as a pattern of coercive and assaultive behaviors that include physical, sexual, verbal, and psychological attacks an economics coercion that adult used against the intimate partners. This torture or thing is not only in one country or class but practice in all over the world in every region. it is the universal violent statement. It is a kind of abuse which can be in sexual, verbal, emotional and physical form. In other words this violence occur due to loss of control and there can be various reasons for this loss of control which might be frustration, anger, alcohol etc. target of such lost temperament men are not powerful people or thing. Their target is always women who are not able to retaliate the abuse. It is very common in our society that people believe and strengthen the fact of male superiority and female inferiority, they believe that men can do anything but a women can not they dependent on men totally, these two are not equal because one is a man and the other one is woman. The fact which cause domestic violence would be poverty like if a mothers want to feed her children and ask her husband for money or food as a result he might go crazy and start physical abuse, the other factors would be child marriage, increased urbanization and many more. In Pakistan 20% to 30% women suffer the physical abuse, 5000 women are killed per year and the victims mostly are family members, whereas Pakistan is the 3rd most dangerous country for women. After all these abuses causes great impact on woman for example physical growth could be affected they may be paralyzed or get injured they also face stress, depression, and anxiety. which effect on there mental health and they are psychologically disturbed.

There are some strategies which can control woman violence such as human rights if government make rules for woman which should be followed by all people and Unfollowers would be strictly punished. The second strategy is to improve girls access to quality and safe education by promoting girls or women education all female can easily defend their self and fight for their rights not only this but also it is for empower women. When woman is empowered then woman violence rate will be automatically come down. Hence education of women should be ensure to cut down the violence against women. the third strategy is to increase woman access to and control over economic resources which can eliminate violence against women. In our society the financial responsibilities are on men which means that women are totally dependent on men. when women are not given the economic resources then their dependency on men increases in such a dependent relation women usually become victims of violence, so to avoid such violence woman should given resources and financial responsibilities then they would be not totally dependence on men but it will also result in decreasing woman violence.

Malaika Khan
About the Author: Malaika Khan Read More Articles by Malaika Khan: 2 Articles with 1307 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.