Change to Find the Bliss

(Farooq Tahir, India)

Whether you are enjoying your job or profession at a Juncture of time will feel burnt out and anxious though how much you enjoy it, you will feel increasingly out of control. At this point only practicing mindfulness, meditation or anything else is not enough to combat the feeling of anxiety and instability about the future. When any body is passing through this stage or facing these situations its time to change some of their behaviors which are not doing any good to them, but It will be difficult to keep up with any new habits. Precisely if anybody feel tired, bored of the routine, creatively uninspired then need a break from their routine.

Give a Pause to the hectic Schedule/routine. Slow down, make some changes in the lifestyles, embrace new more enriching and creative challenges. Take a step into a different environment. Give more emphasize on small and incremental changes in daily life. Slowing down and getting into a different routine for a change may not be only for change’s sake but about identifying particular goals including short- and long-term goals.

Don’t force yourself for big dramatic changes but emphasize doing things on incremental basis. Carefully work on your own personal development. This may transform you the way that you feel about yourself, your goals and your environment. Change in the scene, place, environment, ambience and enjoying new experiences will help to break the previous routine easily.

List out the habits you want to change and consciously keep you away from the temptations which triggers you towards misstepping in personal and working life. Learn to be disciplined with time and don’t let work bleed into your evenings too much. Be mindful that your actions impact on your physical and mental health. Particularly avoid unwanted arguments, relations, say no to invitations, take break from social media and the relentless news cycles.

Don’t make scary leaps into the dark on the name of change. Analyze your current habits, decide what you could improve in your life, new challenges which you want to face. Put them into action after placing a plant to change in very small incremental stage.Remember that making incremental changes to your habits is the key to sustainable results.

Life is full of flaws. Be mindful about the behavior and habits. Slowly improve the dissatisfied area of your life. Inspire to learn and achieve new things. Small actions may amend the behavior for a pleasant transformation. I am sure enough that you can do it. Improve the life just in small ways by adopting new exciting challenges.


farooq tahir
About the Author: farooq tahir Read More Articles by farooq tahir: 135 Articles with 276371 views I am an educator lives in Hyderabad and a government teacher in Hyderabad Deccan,telangana State of India.. View More