Time is Valuable……Just Feel!

(Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Faisalabad)

Think of for a while that which one is more precious….. time or money……. One school of thought is highlighting the importance of money through the proverb “Money makes the mare go”. There is also a concept “Time is money”. According to my point of view if we relate the both then the importance of time will appear obviously and vividly. Just join the both…. it will appear like “Time is money and money makes the mare go”. This is my proposition, is this right?......you can give your own opinion….. Have you ever experienced…. time as a major factor/determinant contributing towards right and wrong perspective? Right step at the right time is right but right step at the wrong time is wrong! At different time, we behave in different ways. One person during the 24 hours may behave in different ways.

There are a number of web sites depicting various important dimensions of time. By using key words like “time and non-verbal communication”, “types of non-verbal communication”, “chronemics” etc.

Physical exercise is good for health if you are doing it at proper time (morning or evening). However, if you are doing exercise during the odd hours then what do you think about it?
Just make the comparison between the two situations, you put the same question to the same person but at different time i.e. during busy hours and leisure time. The responses may be different….. Would it be appropriate to share personal problems when the other person is busy in some important pursuit!

In a business management point of view, if time factor is not considered in any organization it may disturb the whole working environment and ultimately the output. If an organization is working in a systematic manner with the due consideration of time, there are more chances of success as compared to the organization without scheduled working.

Same words may be worthwhile based upon the selection of appropriate time; the same words may lose worth when used at some wrong time. You are using the word “congratulation” at the time of success is appealing side. However, using the same word “congratulations” at the time of failure looks quite disgusting.

Time factor is also critical when we look at a person in the spectrum of responsible person. The timely accomplishment of task by a person is also an indication of sense of responsibility. Likewise, if an employee is giving due time to his work seems as a responsible person. Taking another example, one person who achieves his/her goal in relatively lesser time looks more efficient as compared to that person who consumes more time.

The communication between extension worker (change agent) and the farmer at different time with same message may give different results depending upon the suitability of time i.e. if extension worker is talking about sowing techniques of crops at the sowing time it will increase the farmer’s interest. On the other hand, if the extension worker is talking about sowing techniques at harvesting time then there are more chances of losing interest.

If we spend our time with our family members, it reflects that we are giving importance to our family members. Just take into account the complaint of a child to his father “you have no time for us!” here it is the manifestation of his urge to get due importance.

“Nothing is permanent except change” ….. Time is going on and keep on changing the world. If you waste the time; time would waste you! Time is precious and valuable …… in each and every sphere of life. We should spend time in the best way to get the best……


Ghazanfar Ali Khan
About the Author: Ghazanfar Ali Khan Read More Articles by Ghazanfar Ali Khan: 9 Articles with 5877 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.