Interesting story of the three Pins of our Wall Clock

(M. Furqan Hanif, Karachi)

Once upon a time, there was a wall clock with three pins. These pins had quite mischievous personalities. The clock had been in use for years, but these three pins were always up to something different.

The first pin would say, "I straighten the clock every day! Without my help, this clock would go completely crooked." The second pin would argue back, saying, "You have no idea! This clock would work just fine without me. I am the force that saves it from any obstacles." The third pin, with centuries of experience, would confidently state, "Listen, my dear friends, without me, this clock would wander aimlessly. I am the true source of stability, keeping it on track."

The three pins had a strong sense of rivalry, constantly arguing about who was more essential for the clock's functioning. Their debates would go on every day, showcasing their deep-rooted belief in their own significance.

One day, they decided to put their abilities to the test. They gathered together to prove who could truly enhance the clock's performance.

As they confronted each other, showcasing their skills, they realized that it was their collective effort that made the clock work perfectly. Each pin played a crucial role in maintaining its accuracy and functionality.

From that day forward, the three pins embraced their individual strengths and worked together harmoniously. They understood that their unity and cooperation were the keys to the clock's smooth functioning.

And so, the wall clock continued to tick, guided by the collaboration and understanding of its three pins, creating a harmonious rhythm in the lives of those around it.
M. Furqan Hanif
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