Even A Little Decent Work …….. A Big Contributor Towards Prosperity

(Dr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Faisalabad)

Good work/ deeds are the determinants for development of a society. On the other side, the bad work/deeds are the factors that can deteriorate and spoil the whole society. We all are responsible for our good and bad deeds. However, usually, we pointing out the faults of other without considering ourselves also as the equal contributor. Pondering upon the broader and long issues……giving arguments hours and hours………..striving for winning the debates………… all would be a futile effort if there is no specific and solid solution of the predicament.

The perception “A little decent work cannot bring a big change!” apparently seems logical. Nevertheless, getting a deep insight, another scenario appears as vivid with a paramount significance “bit by bit and drop by drop…. there would be ocean”. So, a little positive change is not itself “little” rather it is a contributory factor towards a bigger change. If each and every person plays his/her positive role for development, then there would be a thriving society with prosperous dimensions. On the other side, if there is a gigantic task and everyone is having a negative mindset “Nothing would happen with my little effort!”. this pessimistic thinking would push ourselves towards the declined position.

Starting from smiling face and positive facial expressions towards our children would be a stimulus to boost up the morale. Imparting skill to unskilled person to transform him/her as earning hand. Plantation of a tree for shade or fruit etc…… Keeping the street, road clean…… Providing facility for drinking water for the thirsty people……Guiding the people in a right way…… Avoiding adulteration……..Speaking the truth……Performing duty honestly………Resolving conflicts…. Promoting peace and harmony ….. Showing respect to others…. All these aforesaid decent work/deeds can contribute towards the flourishing society.

It is also equally important to stop ourselves from any negative activity; it will also contribute towards progress and prosperity. Abstaining from any drug addiction, smoking, gambling…… Getting rid of litigation, conflicts, fights……Likewise, stopping ourselves from any bad work/deed is also a contributor towards development of a society.

In nutshell, we should play our positive role in uplifting our society by doing good work/deeds and stopping ourselves from bad work/deeds.

Dr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan
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