(Hafiz Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

There are various issues which the evening students have to face at University of Karachi. One of the most crucial issues is unavailability of points (KU buses). Though the students in the evening program pay their fees more than the morning students, they bag no facilities unfortunately! For this, whenever the evening directorate was contacted, he evaded saying that de facto evening programs based on self-finance. On the other hand, teachers in the evening don’t concentrate taking classes or delivering the lectures as they take classes in the morning on daily basis!

A student organization made its efforts to resolve the matter concerning transportation or points for the evening students and resultantly, they succeeded to bag four points although these are not enough for the students! Whenever any disturbance or disorder takes place in Karachi, these points are stopped immediately that creates an extremely bad situation for the students as they come from various areas that are too far from the university! Also they have to pay a lot of money or fares when catching public transport comparing with KU points that facilitate them in shape of lower fares! Regarding the matter, when the students contact or talk to employees or authorities, they reply that there is no such a circular or regular law for the points and hence, they all trade on this situation and do what they want creating trouble for the students!

Unavailability of lights is also the cause of concern for the evening students as some people take disadvantage of the condition and are found involved in illegal and immoral activities whereas trend to loot the students has been increased!

Hence, it is humbly requested to the concerned authorities to please ensure the flow of KU points so that students’ problems could be alleviated whereas availability of lights on main roads or places and in departments must be ensured so that all illegal and immoral activities could be stemmed which are damaging the dignity of an educational institute! Also the evening students should be facilitated on fees and other charges but they should be treated in the same way as the morning students are treated!

Hafiz Muhammad Noman
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