Sources of Happiness

(Muhammad Adnan, Karachi)

During this current age where depression, anxiety, angerness, lack of tolerance and much more related symptoms are very common among peoples, I always think of happiness. I think that happiness is a feeling rather than a thing that we need to borrow or to snatch it from some other person. Feeling depends on the sensitivity of a person so it varies from an individual to another. If there are shops which sell happiness then it must be one of the most expensive product of this century.

In spite of frustration and negative approach we need to find out the sources of happiness and to rise the sense of its feeling in us. Good relationships, helping poor and needy peoples, believe in religion, visiting attractive places, money, purposeful life, positive thoughts are the sources of happiness. I analyzed that all above factors contribute in giving happiness to many peoples belonging to different casts, religions and races.

Money as a source of happiness is controversial among many peoples as a lot of peoples which are rich but not happy. I read that with rising economy and living standards in UK, peoples are sacrificing their relationships and mental peace. Now i would like to elaborate my point. In developed countries money become a part of their life rather than a need. I have seen many poor peoples which got happiness by getting money because money is their need. Helping poor and needy people or poor relatives will give us internal satisfaction of being a good human and this intern gives us happiness.

The strong and close relationship with family peoples and friends also provide us happiness. Our mental development in childhood play a major role in our psychic development. It is how a child learn from his family members, most probably from his parents to sense the happiness. I observed that some people don't get happy by little success because of their childhood development during which they didn't learn to feel happiness on little success.

To believe in GOD also provide us mental happiness. I observed that people attached with their religion seems to be more happy than others as religion makes our life purposeful. The way you think also effects your happiness level. Positive thinking always produces hope and satisfaction which enhance happiness in us.

If you are still not so much happy than you must be lacking many of above habits. The happiness is waiting to enter in your life but if you try to give you life, a positive change which are described above.

Written by Muhammad Adnan,
University of Karachi.

Muhammad Adnan
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