Let’s be Customer Focussed

(Rahila Waqar, Karachi)

Being customer focused is a term coined by Deming, the founder of Total Quality Management, and is popular in the context of business. To me the term is applicable to every facet of life. To assert my point I would quote two divine sources:

Prophet Mohammed (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, “A Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslims with his tongue and hands.” And, “None of you will have faith till he wishes for his brother what he likes for himself."
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31)

The above quotes explain clearly what is meant by being customer focussed. Whenever you do something for someone else, that person becomes your customer. Making tea for your mother, bringing a glass of water for your father, submitting an assignment or giving an application to a teacher, writing an e-mail to a friend, driving on the road... sharing the road with others, waiting for the driver in front to get going at the signal, etc are all situations where you are providing a service and the ones at the receiving end are your customers.

According to Demming quality is determined by the customers. In the above quotes we are given a general principle to monitor the quality we provide. We do to others (our customers) as we would want them do to us. So all of us know what quality our customers would demand. Thus it is not possible, if we are customer focussed that we do a task of low quality.

When we are not customer focussed we bring harm to others. The harm can be as small as annoyance and as big as some physical harm. The sources of harm are our tongues and our hands. The same two things bring comfort and happiness to others if we are customer focussed.

Thus we can bring peace and happiness to the world if we identify customers in every situation, predict their needs by analysing our own wishes and desires and provide service that meets the needs of our customers.


Rahila Waqar
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