Google Surpassed Microsoft In Market Value

(Usama Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

Two years ago Apple surpass Microsoft’s market value, it was not less than a heart attack for the most valuable company of United State. But now there is another shock has just given by Google to Microsoft, Google who didn't even exist 15 years ago has surpassed Microsoft’s market value of $247.44 billion having its value of $249.19 billion.

The market value is calculated by multiplying the number of outstanding shares of a company by the company’s stock price. Although Google has just beaten its competitive Microsoft in Market value yet there is a long way to cover to surpass Apple. Google is now the 3rd most valuable company of USA after Apple and Exxon Mobiles and the second world’s largest technology company.

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Beside all these facts Microsoft is still the king of software era, the software business is still the best source of profit for the company but it is now not growing with the pace as it once was. The reason of this drop in the pace is new Smartphone technology, a large number of people are moving to Smartphone leaving their PCs behind.

Mr. Thill said, “People have failed to give them a deeper multiple because everyone thinks they’re on the downhill.” This all has been happening after Apple surpassed Microsoft in Market value back in 2010.

Google stock rises by 18% this year, this is because they have succeed largely in convincing people that it is not only about searching, mailing and putting ads on the websites. Google has expended largely in its search ads, after the availability of displaying ads on YouTube, mobile applications and other devices. Google is also expecting to surpass Facebook and Yahoo this year in online display advertising. Experts are also surprised with this progress of the company and if Google surpass Facebook and Yahoo according to expectations, it will be earning $2.31 billion in from ads revenue.

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Bill Whyman is an analyst at International Strategy and Investment (ISI), said that,

“They have vastly different growth prospects.”

Steve Jobs’ idea of iPhone, iPad, and to make the era of PCs a history has largely been helped by the investors which made company to surpass Microsoft before the death of legend. Apple is currently having market value of $618.44 billion more than anyone else.

[This article was originally published on]

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