Bilderberg Group--an invisible power house

(Hira Nawaz, Lahore)

The World is always governed by some powers that rule the world and turn the odds to their favor. On the one hand their powers make them supreme but on the other hand their obligations limit them in terms of what they can do, in this way democratic governments always remain accountable to their actual leaders; however there are a few people who still rule the world without being accountable, and the Bilderberg group in one of them.

This is an elite group of more than 100 leading American and European personalities from different fields such as politics, business, banking, academia, and the media. Its policy is carried out by a 35 member Bilderberg Steering Committee, including an inner circle known as an Advisory Committee. Some of these masters control more of the universe than others. They are the members of the steering committee, which includes Josef Ackermann (Deutsche Bank), Jorma Ollila (Nokia), Jeurgen Schrempp (DaimlerChrysler), Peter Sutherland (former North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - general), James Wolfensohn (the outgoing World Bank president) and the “Prince of Darkness” Richard Perle. Bilderbergers meet every year in a luxurious five star hotel in a remote part of the world for three days within strict security. In the year 2008, a conference was held in Chantilly Virginia. Its office is in Leiden in the Holland and it has no official name. But according to a Bilderberg draft document dated 1981 “Bilderberg takes it name from the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, where the first meeting took place in May 1954.”

This group was founded by Joseph Retinger, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Belgian P.M. Paul Ven Zeeland with the spirit of post-war Trans Atlantic co-operation. At That time the idea was to prevent war by binding influential bodies on a platform, where differences could be discussed and resolved , but it seems that its purpose has been somewhat reshaped. Their basic purpose is to integrate global economic and political structure and they exercise their control through indirect political means. The essence of the meeting is its secrecy, whatever is discussed will always remain behind closed doors. Even minutes of meetings are only sent to the current and past bilderbergers. They consider it to be their prerogative to be secretive so that they do not have to be liable to people and thus eliminate the risk of misinterpretation. It is also claimed that secrecy allows them to speak honestly. Also media coverage remains non existent for ultra secretive group and security is severely tight beyond necessity also having no web site and phone is always answered by a recorded female voice. But secret society and secret perceiving always lead to conspiracy. A view by one of the Bilderberg heads Viscount Etienne Davignon, corporation director and former European commissioner, says to the BBC;

“It is unavoidable and it doesn’t matter that there is always be people who believe in conspiracy but things happen in a much more incoherent fashion.”

“I don’t think (we are) a global ruling class because I don’t think a global ruling class exists. I think its people who have influence, interested to speak to other people, who have influence. Bilderberg doesn’t try to reach conclusions. It doesn’t try to say “what we should do.” Everyone goes away with their own feeling and that allows the debate to be completely open, quite frank and to see what the differences are. ”Also said that: “This is not a capitalist plot to run the world”.

As capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of capital so shouldn’t we assume that the integrated power and money will turn the things in their favor?

If power is confined to a few hands, there is always great chance of its misuse and as our beloved Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) says:

“It is difficult for a man laden with riches to climb the steep path which leads to bliss.”

But is it possible a club of such influence doesn’t plan for world issues? As an exercising of power off the record makes this group mysterious and puts it in more conspiracies than other influential groups. And if they are acting purportedly in favour of the world’s citizen’s, and even more importantly, if they are not, then it is undoubtedly a social issue. As one of the Bilderberg attendees Jim Tucker said that;

“Bilderberg plan for the whole world is nothing less then world government”

And this leads to a concept of a new world order of one ruling power. It’s like two faces of a coin, one is admitting its rule, and the other is denying it.

Former British Defense Minister Denis Healey, put it this way, “World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.” Also British economist Will Hutton said that the consensus reached at each Bilderberg meeting “is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide”. What Bilderberg decides can be expected to be later implemented by a G-8 meeting, and International Monetary Fund and World Bank decisions.

There is a book written by Daniel Estulin entitled ‘the true story of bilderberg group’and promotes that this group can use any mean to keep themselves on top with the view of one world order for this reasons they want to have control of world either through wars,control of bussiness, media, finance, education…….and thought that they have their own cult. Writer is of the view that democracy, freedom and national sovereignty are threaths to their mastery of the universe. But the Bilderbergers and their parallel groups and allied think tanks have been working to do away with all three.

1. A former journalist, Mr. Gosling runs a campaign against the group from his home in Bristol, UK. Mr. Gosling says that:
“One of the first places I heard about the determination of US forces to attack Iraq was from leaks that came out of the 2002 Bilderberg meeting,"

2. An up-and-coming statesman in the 1950s, Denis Healey, who was one of the four founding members of Bilderberg.

His response to claims that Bilderberg exerts a shadowy hand on the global tiller is met with characteristic bluntness. "Crap!"

3. Estulin mentions Bilderberg idea of ‘Peak Oil’ and the consequent Bilderberg argument for massive population reduction in their effort to bring about a ‘post-industrial world’

It is claimed that Bilderberg makes a policy to put restriction on global oil to hike the price of oil. Since 1945 world oil is priced in dollars as per the international custom and since than American oil companies are dominating post war market. than sudden increase in oil prices results in increasing demand for US dollar to pay for oil.

4. Alasdair Spark, an expert in conspiracy theories says that a shadowy clique is running the world is nothing new. For hundreds of years people have believed the world is governed by a cabal of Jews.

If really they are the people who rule the world, how their policies are appear to be designed to maintain the imbalance of power, and perpetuate the cultural colonialisation and economic and social injustice in the world so as to keep themselves on top, while local governments make no attempt to hold them to account. What might be the ultimate risk faced by world by their decisions and what its consequence will be? How and from where they got financed to run their society and what are the final implementing decision can be derived by the mutual understanding of economic, political and media people these are few unanswerable questions comes into everybody mind when they thought about these kinds of groups.

And if it is proven that they are people who rule the world they should hold accountable? Also one question always arises in my mind is that how the brains of developed countries can match with that of the developing countries is still a considerable fact????

Hira Nawaz
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