(EMAAN, karachi)

Fear of ALLAH is the most important thing because ALLAH's fear save us from sins....

In this age we have everything, every facility but still we are distressed.....
Do you know why???
why we are in problems???
why we are not solve these problems???
why we are going to lowness???

Because we all have everything except fear of ALLAH thats the way we cant see our sins and we cannot understand the punishment of our sins and it is the reason to be in problems...

We should to be awake ALLAH's fear but how???

So simple if we pray NAMAZ five times a day and recite one page of HOLY QURAN daily then naturally ALLAH's fear awake in our selves...IN SHAA ALLAH and these problem would solve automatically.....IN SHAA ALLAH

So what are you thinking ???

Lets try

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