Prayer for Parents

(Maryam Bari, Lahore)

I thought of you so much today
I went to God in prayer.
To ask Him to watch over you
and show you that I care.

My prayer for you was not for rewards
ones that you can touch or feel.
But true rewards for happiness
that are so very real.

Like love and understanding
in all the things you do.
For guidance when you need it most
to see your troubles through.

I asked Him for good health for you
so your future could be bright.
And faith to accept life's challenges
with courage to do what's right.

I gave thanks to Him for granting my prayer
to bring you peace and love.
May you feel the warmth in your life
with Gods blessings from above

Parents are no doubt Precious gift from Almighty ALLAH.
May ALLAH bless our Parents abundantly with his countless Blessings AMEEN

Mariam Bari
About the Author: Mariam Bari Read More Articles by Mariam Bari : 51 Articles with 114579 views Do the best & leave the rest to Almighty ALLAH... View More