Human Rights, Issues and Solutions

(Dr Ch Abrar Majid, Kuthiala Sheikhan)

Before we go further, I would like to briefly describe, what are human rights? In very simple words, Human Rights are combination of two words: Human and Rights, Human are the best creature in the universe because they have sense of right and wrong. In other words this sense make human superior in this world and if he deliberately turn away than becomes the worst one in this universe. Rights are status in accord with principles of justice or in simple words a proper position. Human possess dignity and rights from his birth and these rights are said human rights because he posses just being human and these rights are inevitable and universal.

Human Rights are not any new production but started very day the first human took existence. Human Rights have as long history as human. Some revolutions are documented like, British (Magna Carta), American and Than French revolution. All religion respect the human dignity but Islam is said the religion of Rights: Human Rights and Rights of Allah. Islam stress more on human rights and provide compete code of life. Just few words from last address of the Holy prophet (PBUH) “O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust.... Remember one day you will meet Allah and answer for your deeds.” Now you may decide yourself in the contemporary situations where we stand.

The most significant document, Universal Declaration for Human Rights, was adopted by the UN member countries on December 10, 1948 and the UDHR urges member nations to respect, protect and fulfil a number of human, civil, economic and social rights. Universal Declaration of Human Rights comprises of thirty articles, asserting these rights are part of the “foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”. Constitution of Pakistan from articles eight to twenty eight are fully in conformity with the UDHR to respect, protect and fulfil the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the country.

Now in spite of Islamic teachings and legal cover we are confronting with the international human rights, question arises why? Sometimes even we don’t realize that we are committing a discrimination or violence in the society. We need to think on this very sensitive issue and being citizen to seek solutions. We need social cohesion, interaction and identify the causes and consensus on the solutions to come across this situation.

Corruption and terrorism are our major issues, hindering the process of development in our country and though not legally but we have accepted corruption as our cultural value and it’s very near that we might legalize it. Everybody knows very well that what is happening and who is involved but one point I feel necessary to mention is that, in my view, more than 97 percent of corruption is being done by so called educated people, which best witness our education quality and stander.

No doubt, we are facing worst economic crises, Pakistani rupees falling very speedily in international market due to wrong policies and instability. But I am wonder that management principles can’t be applied in these matters or government is immune from these management principles. I always, try to find solution in very basic level that if we feel that our income is less than our expenditures we try to control our leakages to save the money but here the situation is totally opposite. Again I would like to say that we, in seven decades, even could not built national will among our nation. We think that we are in government not to deliver the services but to enjoy the royal status that could not see our ancestors. Any how I don’t more believe in criticism but to storm the mind for solutions.

First of all we need to change the mind set of people, so they realize and own their rights and responsibilities and actively take part in development process. This all is only possible if we change ourselves first and then by creating awareness among people of their rights and responsibilities. We need to empower the people and need to start projects where practically the public issues should be shared and discussed on public forums and then make strategy for solutions. Make sure, one thing is understood that no government or organization alone can make changes without active participation of public. We have been waiting for seven decades, depending on others but nothing happened. It’s time to get involve and show your power through action by taking responsibility. If we believe in genetic science and refer to our history, we have rich inherent genes. Our nation is very genius and sharp but all qualities are being used on wrong activities. We have world records in all walks of life: sport, education and science. We need to polish our qualities and turn them in rights directions.

We need Educational reform and need more stress on character building and civic education, including human rights, should be part of our curriculum. Civil society has great potential and can play very significant role in this regard but we need coordination and interaction to strengthen the civil society. Our youth is very energetic and they just need to put on right track to get our dreams fulfilled. Teachers, generalists and lawyer fraternities are also very potential and strong communities and must be part of the development process and if they work together than development is not far fetched. Reinstatement of judiciary movement in Pakistan is good example for change. Same like that movement we need to launch advocacy projects against foreign loans and other wrong policies of the governments.

We have become materialistic and prefer wealth more than relations. We need to quit the VIP culture race and adopt simplicity as modern phenomena to prove that we are not means and do not value this world any more. We are stranger and our real destination is heaven that has been furnished for us finally as reward. We will have to change our perspective of thinking; these are making man great and mean in others views. Act upon the saying: Loss money for character but don’t lose character for money.

This coming spring is very good time in the history of Pakistan to change the directions and bring about change. We have good chance and our destiny is in our own hands and now we are to decide that we want to change the culture of intercession and favor and promote the culture of fair and transparent system base on merit. Political parties those have no democracy within party or those are adopting the culture of officious intercession and favor in their practice must be badly rejected. Than above all we must also take in consideration the personal character of the candidate. We, public, have to give the proof of our prudence and sharpness in electing our representative.

Dr Ch Abrar Majid
About the Author: Dr Ch Abrar Majid Read More Articles by Dr Ch Abrar Majid: 92 Articles with 129526 views By profession I am Lawyer and serving social development sector for last one decade. currently serving Sheikh Trust for Human Development as Executive.. View More