I want to draw your kind
attention towards Pakistani media which is showing stereotyping commercials
about female. The advertisements show images to viewers that women’s body, soul
and mind to serve male goals. Stereotypical approach may be defined as the women
are portrayed only in the limited roles like house wives working at their homes
and as a sex objects attracting viewers or adding glamour to that advertisement
to grab the attention of the viewers. one example of these advertisement is fair
and lovely a cream which aim at improving complexion of all women repeats this
here. The moral idea being told is that the more you are fair the more you have
a chance to get jobs or to create a space for yourself. It portrays women get an
inferior treatment by society due to their unattractive looks. Such ads
encourage portrayal of gender stereotypes in the society. Moreover it develops
the concept of voyeurism ‘women compete with other women to gain attention of
male. Advertising is a powerful tool for attitude change and behavior hence the
danger of advertising which stereotypes women is that it can lead forming
notions that undermine women and their abilities, so it is my request to media
that stereotyping about female should be banned which confine women’s role in
limited sphere of society.