DID U KNOW...... PART.- 20

(Najamuddin Ghanghro, Karachi(original from Larkana))

Did you know The Dead Sea is actually an inland lake
Did you know there are no rivers in Saudi Arabia
Did you know the largest exporter of sugar is Cuba
Did you know dirty snow melts quicker than clean snow
Did you know Icelandic phone books are listed by first names (not surnames)
Did you know 1 gigayear = 1,000,000,000,000 years
Did you know the water in the Dead Sea is so salty that its easier to float than sink
Did you know Rio de Janeiro translates to river of January
Did you know the Moons diameter is 3,476km
Did you know New York's Central Park was opened in 1876
Did you know the subject of the first printed book in England was about chess
Did you know the word old English word 'juke' meaning dancing lends its name to the juke box
Did you know EMI awards stands for 'Electrical and Musical Instruments'
Did you know the most sung song is happy birthday
Did you know the first rugby club was formed in 1843
Did you know the most common injury in ten pin bowling is a sore thumb
Did you know the yo-yo was originally used as a weapon for hunting the in the Philippines
Did you know draughts (checkers) is older than chess
Did you know orienteering originated from Sweden
Did you know blonde beards grow faster than darker beards


Najamuddin Ghanghro
About the Author: Najamuddin Ghanghro Read More Articles by Najamuddin Ghanghro: 583 Articles with 724455 views I m now Alhamdulillah retired from Govt. Service after serving about 39 ys. Passing ,Alhamdulillah a tense less life. MAY ALLAH CONTINUE IT.AAMEEN

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