DID U KNOW...... PART.- 22

(Najamuddin Ghanghro, Karachi(original from Larkana))

Did you know there is enough petrol in a full tank of a Jumbo Jet to drive the average car 4 times around the world
Did you know Sir Isaac Newton was 23 when he discovered the law of gravity
Did you know the lie detector was invented in 1921
Did you know the world's knowledge is growing so fast that 90% of what we will know in 50 years time will be discovered in those 50 years
Did you know the drinking straw was invented in 1886
Did you know red light has the highest wavelength
Did you know paper money was first used in China
Did you know according to the old English time system a moment is 1 and a half minutes
Did you know oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen make up 90% of the human body
Did you know light is electro magnetic radiation
Did you know a car travelling at 80kph (50mph) uses half its fuel to overcome wind resistance
Did you know gunpowder is formed by mixing charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur
Did you know giraffes have no vocal cords
Did you know most birds eat twice their body weight each day
Did you know a group of whales is called a pod
Did you know Kiwi birds are blind
Did you know armadillos can walk underwater
Did you know the bones of a pigeon weigh less than its feathers
Did you know the cheetah is the only cat that can't retract it's claws
Did you know roosters can't crow if they can't fully extend their necks


Najamuddin Ghanghro
About the Author: Najamuddin Ghanghro Read More Articles by Najamuddin Ghanghro: 583 Articles with 725609 views I m now Alhamdulillah retired from Govt. Service after serving about 39 ys. Passing ,Alhamdulillah a tense less life. MAY ALLAH CONTINUE IT.AAMEEN

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