Dificulty Dangers Plot

(Imran Safdar, Faisalabad)

Suddenly we come under pressure when some strange obstacle come and stop our pilot aim of life and snatched our good moments of life with brutally. I don't know when we have soft opinion treat each other and a dangers conspire demolished your nice views and pertinent aim of life. in this world a lot of peoples confront each other for snatch their rights some peoples find own goal but some cannot reach desired place in this new latest life.

Further to this despite real true system of peoples immediately stop with fake and harmful elements. When those stop only this their next step they already chose and try to scarred a perfect and unique peoples. they cannot give allow him he can spend his personal life with liberty and own authorized fundamental right pertain allow a person as citizen of country or being a human of this society of peoples.

Now body have this authority he give painful life and make his life a strict judgment during this world. we are Muslims and our strong faith on almighty Allah. We always look for our next coming life to Allah.

In this world no have any credible chance that we solve our problems or contrast with torture and harsh way. if we give pain to others then one think should remember us this world change every moment and Allah is powerful in this world.

When we begin any shameful plot and make mind give hard problems then we not think what is right and what is bad all items about solution the crises we sabotage immediately.

Honest and kind peoples always get respect dignity honor and wonderful success in the life. Just fanatic sharpness lazy habits cannot reach any type of destination during current world.

Only one way go to right and testified goal and remaining 99 ways hard press to different direction of life.

Imran Safdar
About the Author: Imran Safdar Read More Articles by Imran Safdar: 61 Articles with 44714 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.