Sarabjit Singh Dies In Jinnah Hospital

(Hafiz Muhammad Noman , Karachi)

The convicted Indian spy, Sarabjit Singh, who suffered severe injuries in the head by some suspects in Kot Lakhpat Jail, has died!

Perhaps, every Pakistani is desirous to listen to such news as the spy not only belongs to the enemy country, India, but he was involved in the bomb blasts in Faisalabad and Lahore in 1990 and he was arrested from Qusur on August 28, 1990 when he was trying to flee from Pakistan. Approximately 14 Pakistani innocent people were died in the bomb blasts whereas many others were injured. Sarabjit Singh himself confessed after his arrest that he was behind the bomb blasts.

A question arises here why is the case of Sarabjit Singh still lingering? Why hasn’t he been hanged yet though the anti-terrorism court in 1991 made its clear verdict to hang him?!

India has never forgiven its enemies whom it considered terrorists as it hanged Ajmal Kasab and Afzal Guru, then why Pakistani governments are still at a fiasco to hang him?!

Hafiz Muhammad Noman
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