Traffic problem

(syed shayan haider , karachi)

I want to draw the attention of concerned authorities towards the traffic problems in our country. Heavy traffic is one of the best headache problems. In Karachi, it is getting worse with every coming day.

The main problem with traffic hazards in Karachi is corrupt police and traffic mafia and increasing number of vehicles. Lots of new vehicles are registered daily and they come on the roads which is why the quantity of vehicles increases in Karachi. Everyone wants that he should travel very comfortably and reach his destination as fast as possible. It’s for saving time that they use their vehicles. No one prefers public transport for travelling. Another problem is decrepit roads and poor infrastructure. One more problem which should be highlighted here is the reckless driving of bus drivers. Bus drivers usually drive very fast which causes accidents. Pedestrians find it difficult to walk freely on roads, traffic rules are openly violated, traffic police are negligent in their duties.

I request the concerned authorities to take strict and quick action to solve this problem.

syed shayan haider
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