Street crime

(sohail ahmed(university of karachi) , karachi)

Street Crime has become a common issue these days in the city of Karachi and almost everywhere the youth is targeted in these crimes and the most common target to snatch are mobile phones.

These robbers come well armed and well prepared both physically and psychologically to commit the crimes. These people overpower the victim by fear and weapons. The youth these days is very much in fear that whether to carry a mobile phone or cash while traveling at any time of the day. It is not just night time that is dangerous but also day time. Anytime, anyplace and by any means these culprits get hold of helpless and innocent people walking on the street and rob them of all valuables, cash and mobile phones.

I request the authorities responsible for security in the city to further keep a watch for these culprits that a danger to the youth and as well as other citizens of the city.

sohail ahmed(university of karachi)
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