(Muhammad Ahmad, )

1. Pakistan is 7th atomic power of the world and the only Islamic country having nuclear assets in its custody among many Muslim countries. After its freedom from extremist, cruel and amphoteric Hindus, it suffered from many aspects. Pakistan was imposed upon a war by Indians in 1948 just one year after its freedom, and in 1951 the PM of Pakistan Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated. Though these two incidences were very seriously harmful to the national interest, security, law and order and morale of Pakistani people; but history of after wards is also full of tragedies and incidents.

2. Great Islamic Republic of Pakistan did not only suffer from the external propaganda and foreign hands, instead it was crucially harmed and humiliated by its incompetent leaders, worth less politicians, selfish judges, cheap and characterless business men and illiterate public as well.

3. The country fought 3 wars with its neighbor India in 1948, 1965 and 1971 and could not maintain its boundary and its completion. First of all Kashmir was made an issue, which is irresolvable till this day. In spite of Indian open brutality and dishonest killing of unarmed Kashmiri people including old, young, ladies and innocent children, Pakistan has always failed to declare India a terrorist and un democratic country in the world because of its weak foreign policy and very low standing of its worthless politicians in the world.

4. In war of 1965, we could not get any remarkable success at political level, though we succeeded on military front up to some extent. In war of 1971, we lost half of our Pakistan. India broke our half of Pakistan but see at the failure of our incompetent and ineligible political leadership who have completely failed to get India pinned down on this 3rd class effort (of creating Bangladesh) and intervening in our internal matters, which is never allowed by any country and international laws even. On 16 December, 1971 Pakistan was divided into Pakistan and Bangladesh. India created an occasion to celibate and we Pakistani nation were left to mourn and curse ourselves for this un expected and un accepted happening for ever. The country was in difficulties economically and due to law and order situations. However, after passing 43 years to the fall of Dacca, are we facing better circumstances now?? No, Surely No.

5. Who is behind this failure? Who is trying to make us destroyed nation and failed state? Who is responsible for our law and order situation? Who is responsible for weak economy? Who should be caught for target killing in Karachi and other places at Pakistan? Who is responsible to provide basic health and education rights to the poor and illiterate public? Who is responsible to make Pakistan a failing state in this world? At last WHO????

6. My answer is politicians of Pakistan. The Political leader ship of the country is always found to be incompetent and charged of having irresponsible attitude towards the problems of the country. The political leaders of any country have the place of angles among the nation. These angles change the destiny of their nations, bring them in confidence and use the energy of the nation for the better future of their country and state. These angles are not corrupt, selfish, dishonest, irresponsible, willful, thieves, lazy, cruel and in just. If these angles have all these abilities and qualities, then understand these are only worth less leaders and situations and circumstances of Pakistan will never change. So, we can just pray to almighty and alas! We can create no angel to bring Prosperity and Light to our great country of 18 Karor people “ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN”.

Muhammad Ahmad
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