Fashion is something we deal
with everyday. Even people who say they don't care what they wear choose clothes
every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day.
One certain thing in the fashion world is change. We are constantly being
bombarded with new fashion ideas from music, videos, books, and television.
Movies also have a big impact on what people wear. Ray-Ban sold more sunglasses
after the movie Men In Black. Sometimes a trend is world-wide. Back in the
1950s, teenagers everywhere dressed like Elvis Presley.
fashion in islam:
Today boys like to wear the colors meant for girls and girls like to wear what
is meant for boys. Jewelry, that was meant to be worn by females in now seen in
the necks and fingers and writs of boys. Cloths that looks girly and worn and
designed by boys while the cloths that look boyish are worn by girls.
The society is attacked by the storm of designers who in the name of style and
fashion introduce indecent and vulgar dresses in every season. Islam has
strictly prohibited dressing that in any way look vulgar and out of the
prescribed standards of Islam.
Bukhari :: Book 7 :: Volume 72 :: Hadith 774
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet cursed effeminate men (those men who are in the
similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners
of men, and he said, "Turn them out of your houses .
The above hadith is a strict and clear cut reply to all these fashions that we
see today. To wear dresses like girls/boys to act like girls/boys is strictly
prohibited and curse of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w. is on them who do so. We see
boys keeping long hair that present them like girls and we see girls that keep
hair as small that present them like boys. This is all prohibited. There are
male makeup artist whose manner is like that of girls. They speak, stand, sit
and even behave like girls because they do not like the creation of ALLAH. Such
people are to be cursed.
(Sahih Muslim, no. 2128)