نسخ فی القرآن کے بارے میں بعض
علماءبرصغیر کے فکر کا قرآن وسنت کی روشنی میں ایک تحقیقی جائزہ
(A research review of the some Asian scholars view about Naskh Fi al Quran in
the light of Quran and Sunna )
Naskh (abrogation) is a term usually used in Islamic legal exegesis for
seemingly contradictory material within or between the twin bases of Islamic
Holy Law: the Quran and the Prophetic Sunna which means the replacement or
nullification of some rulings of almighty Allah. These rulings were required by
the Muslims community to meet the changing circumstances or from a more
theologically inflected stand-point, the expiration points of those rulings
Allah intended as temporary all along were reached. But such changes can occur
only in verses conveying commands. Verses cast in the conveying narrative
statements and central tenets of the faith, can not be affected by abrogation.
The stem n-s-kh occurs four times within the Holy Quran: at Q.7:154, Q.45:29,
Q.22:52, and Q.2:106.Similarly Sahih ul Bukhari also claims some Quranic verses
(2:284,2:240,2:184) to be abrogated.
First of all Hazrat Ali (RA) highlighted the importance of this very knowledge
and later on the famous scholars like Qatada, Alzuhri and Tabari worked about
this knowledge. According to different scholars meanings of the word Naskh the
range of abrogated verses reached from 5 to 500.
But some scholars of the last century especially of the Sub continent adopted a
different concept of Naskh in the Holy Quran and denied of its occurrence. The
following article is to make an appraisal and research based review of their
views in the light of the teaching of Quran and Sunna .