Merciless creatures

(Tariq hussain, Islamabad)

 By Tariq Hussian

What a brutal mindset do we have! Killing an innocent people without any reason or crime. How inhuman we have become to end the chapter of human lives ruthlessly to whom God Almighty bestowed this beautiful life.

We are so murderously bent upon taking the lives of others as if we have been awarded licenses to kill. But what benefit can it give to a murderer when he slain another person. Yes, the murderer can be a mercenary who gets the head-money of the one he is intended to kill. Even then what is the advantage of being supporting the terrorism.

You cannot experience the miseries and pains of others until it happens to you. But imagine the pain of those who has lost their sons, brothers and other relatives in the brutal attacks and bombings that occur daily in our country. How disgusting will the people feel to see their jovial and young near and dears falling victim to the merciless killers.

Due to the terrorists savagery in Pakistan , an easy going family lost their sole bread-earners and all their hope vanished and their household condition begin to deteriorate. This not only deprives the children of basic necessities of lives but also debase them in the upcoming life as well. Even in the young ages the children faces bundle of problems. At the end, life become rustic for them because they cannot grow themselves further in order to be abreast of the situation.

I hope that the day is not far off that we will be having peace and tranquillity in the country but at least today it is the worst time that we are passing through; bombings, shooting and other terrific incidents rein the society that show no sign of abetting.

Fear psychosis has engulfed the society. Every person feels that he is not safe. He can meet with any incident of violence. For instance, anxiety and fearfulness is on the rise among the parents. They begin to worry the time their children leave home for their schools, colleges, offices or for shopping. They cannot forget the barbaric scene of violence which they have seen on the media until their children returned home back from the work.

Congregational gathering has also become a dream here. Whenever people gathered for any cause or religious ritual they are attacked and killed. Worship places such as Mosque, Imambargah and saint’s Mausoleums had not even spared by the terrorists. Bombings and killings have become a commonplace in our society.

The previous week begins with the killing of Army officers in the Upper Dir to the mass murder of the Christians in the Peshawar area of Kohati-Gate. Two suicide bombers reportedly entered into the church and exploded themselves killing 78 worshippers while leaving more than 120 injured. The whole country jolted with the horrific and savage scenes of the attack being shown on the media. Crying , wailing and screaming arising from the heart rendering scenes of Peshawar that wept the people across the country. How an innocent human beings could be killed so savagely without any reason.

Are those bent on killing the innocent people are Muslim? No, they can’t be —because Islam says if you kill a single human being it is as if you have killed the humanity. Are they human ? No, because God Almighty has created human being too civilized and have called them the highest of His creation. They cannot do such barbaric and cruel attempts on their fellow. So they must be beasts and wild creatures who no doubt has the faces that resembles humans but in reality they are the worst animal to which Allah Almighty has cursed upon them.

Tariq Hussain
About the Author: Tariq Hussain Read More Articles by Tariq Hussain: 4 Articles with 4219 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.