A Lesson from Life

(maryamshaheen, rawalpindi)

As the Sun smiles through the darkness of the night, the twinkling stars slowly disappear. Beautiful colors display on the sky the message of a new day, a new hope. Everything brightens and wakes to the call of its Creator. Cool pleasant breezes and falling dew drops leave the atmosphere cool and calm. Buds welcome the rising sun, blooming into colorful flowers. Birds begin to chirp; this is their way of praising the Lord.

There is peace and tranquility particularly in the early morning. The soft pleasant sounds of blowing wind, rustling leaves, blooming flowers and chirping birds all have a strong positive affect at this time; therefore, it is considered as the best time for prayers, for thinking and pondering on the wonders created in the universe. This is when Allah showers His blessings; therefore, sleeping at this time has been discouraged by our Prophet (P.B.U.H) and Aima (AS).
According to modern scientific research there are special kinds of cosmic rays in the atmosphere from early morning till 10 o’clock. These rays are extremely beneficial for the physical and spiritual well being of humans. All this shows the love of Allah for human beings as all this has been created for us.

Allah is the best teacher. Through this morning scene, He teaches us many useful lessons of life. The sun rises each morning according to a set schedule. Everything follows the rising of the sun revealing a timetable and symmetry in life which is its actual charm. Before taking up the hard work of the day, Allah provides us with blessings of the morning scene. These blessings are given to us as entertainment, to prepare us to face the difficulties of life, and to perform the heavy responsibilities of life.

We as parents and teachers want our children to face the world with confidence, to welcome the responsibilities of life and be trained to lead the world; then why don’t we color ourselves in the color of Allah. Then, why not begin the training of our children by giving them the blessings of love and care and smiles and appreciation? Why not provide them with healthy entertainment which will not only brighten their life but also sharpen their skills? We can play with our children, tell them stories, take them to parks or for social visits and provide all the opportunities of healthy entertainment. The children will hence be prepared to face the challenges of life. On the other hand, if we try to expose our children to too heavy a dose of knowledge without following the initial steps, they may never realize the importance and benefits of knowledge; but will likely run away from it.

As we are provided with ample energy to last for the whole day, similarly we should provide required energy to gain knowledge to our children regularly. Our caring, energizing training can develop their love and thirst for knowledge. We must remember that the morning scene and its energy comes to us fresh each day, similarly we should be consistent in our efforts and continue to provide required energy to our children. In fact, we should increase our love and kindness, as often a shower of rain in the morning can be a pleasant surprise that freshens us. Similarly, our love and care will surely be rewarded.

About the Author: maryamshaheen Read More Articles by maryamshaheen: 14 Articles with 10455 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.