A great Hero of our Past

(Aazad Aijaz Bhambhro, Lahore)

 Words in Devotion
My favorite National Hero
Note: I am introducing here my favorite national hero, whose services and sacrifices for an independent Islamic state, are completely erased out from the national history of Pakistan, by some international conspiracies. So, a few of Pakistanis just know his name only. But I found the realities about his golden services from the books, written by a few of Sindhi writers and his disciples. Therefore the missing of a great chapter from the history of Pakistan is not favorable for rest of the Pakistanis as well as Sindhis.

Everyone runs his/her life in keeping a personality in focus to follow his ideology and manners of leading a meaningful life. I have also an ideal, who is my favorite historical hero too. He is Shaheed Sooreh Badshah.

Syed Sibghatullah Shah Rashdi, generally known as Shaheed Sooreh Badshah, was born on 6th of March 1906, in Khairpur district of Indus Valley. Basically he belonged to a systematic, religious and spiritual class, known as “Hur Jama’at”. In 1921, after the sad demise of his Father, he became the 6th Pagara of his Family (Pagaro is the spiritual supreme leader of Hur Jama’at). As he was a religious fanatic so he hatred the British rule which was illegally dominated over the Muslims of sub-continent.

In 1928, after reviewing the situations, he called upon his disciples at Sanghar. In his spiritual and historical address he proclaimed to start an armed struggle against the Britain government. He made the groups of “Ghazis” (Commanders of freedom fighters, Hurs), and sent them to various areas of the sub-continent to damage the official institutes like police, revenue and army, in order to show disgust for Britain. In this situation it was a great contradiction that his followers, who were going to annoy a well-trained and technological army, with the help of axes and stick only. Because, this movement of freedom, suddenly emerged from a totally peaceful and religious class, who were never trained for such a war. Simultaneously they were suffering from the problem of unavailability of weapons. So initially, they started robbing of weapons from police and other official servants. Very soon they collected an enough amount of weapons and fought bravely.

The young passions and strong emotions of these freedom fighters led them to the pinnacle of success. Additionally, the slogan given to them of “ Liberty or Death, Country or Coffin” filled them, the spirit of performing herculean tasks. But on the other hand, their Spiritual Leader was arrested under the charges of rebellion and went through court martial, which decided to imprison him for ten years. Up to the ego of 1936, this mission was carried ahead by the genius and brave Hur commanders of “Hur Jama’at”. On the contrary, the thousands of people, belonging to Hur Jama’at, including women, old age person, and infants were en-caged in the ”concentration camps”. As Sooreh Badshah was set free in 1936, the movement became so strong and compelled the government to implement martial law.

In 1938, again Sooreh Badshah was arrested. Mr. Quaid carried away his case through courts. But, my pen shivers to write that such a great lawyer of the century left away his client on the mercy of Britain courts and refused to carry away the case for long. I don’t know, what the hidden hands were behind this act of Quaid, or it was just his carelessness to the great freedom fighter of the Sub-continent.

In 1941, an ordinance, namely “Hur Act” was passed from the Sindh Assembly of legislature, which aimed to crush this movement of freedom. But so sad to say no any Muslim Leader of the Sub-continent dared to obstacle to government for this oppression against Muslim Freedom Fighters.

On the contrary, the government offered Sooreh Badshah, so many comforts like wealth and granting his life, if he surrenders. But the man of great courage refused to do so by saying “ if I think to surrender at your doorstep, I will be doubtful of being Hussainian”. In fact these words trembled the sky and penetrated through the ears of heads of governments. So they decided to make their way clean for future. And The Great Personality of the century was martyred on March 1943. This news was not less than a thunder for his disciples, the great freedom fighters.

The final plan of the govt; started taking place. They took all their efforts to crush this movement. Two sons of Pir Pagara were sent to London. His family members were arrested and Britain govt; left no sign of restoration of the Great Throne of Pagara Family. During this dark period, no Muslim leader dared to protest on the extreme tyranny. And this brutality of British empire continued up to 1947.

On August 14th 1947, Pakistan became an independent Muslim state, but the followers of Sooreh Badshah, who scarified their prosperity and peaceful lives for the sack of independence, remained en-caged. This was the reward of Pakistan govt; to the great freedom fighters. At last, after blessing of Almighty Allah and the efforts of leaders of Hur Jama’at, the throne of Pagara family was restored in 1952. Shah Mardan Shah became the 7th consecutive Pagara of his family, who proved himself “The King Maker” in the politics Pakistan.
Finally I solute the great struggles of Sooreh Badshah, the creator of the slogan “ Country or Coffin, Liberty or Death”, to swap out Britain from the sub-continent. Because Hur movement was proved to be the back bone of Muslim struggle for independence.
Such Great Heroes born in the centuries which are the blessings for nation.

Aazad Aijaz Bhambhro
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