Women Place in society

(Ghulam Mustafa, Lahore)

 Woman is an essential component of society.
 Respect of women in Islam.
 Women rights in villages.
 Women rights in cities.
 Women should be given full hand for expression of freedom.
 Women should be true patriot.
Man and woman are two parts of a whole. One is incomplete without other. The Holy Quran says, “And We have created you in pairs” (male & female). The existence of one without the other would be colorless and boring. The need of the one for the other is so great that it was honoured even in heaven when Eve was created for Adam. Moreover the union of the both is necessary for human survival. Besides this need, they are a complete source of joy and comfort for each other. It is said that man is the crown of the universe but it is woman who adorns this crown with her charms. That is what Milton asserts in Paradise Lost: “O fairest of creation! Last and best / of all God’s works!”

In Islam society, women are treated with utmost honour. She has the honour of being a mother, a wife, a sister and a daughter. No other religion gives her so much importance as Islam gives her. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) in his last address asked the Muslims to treat women and the slaves kindly. As a mother, she enjoys matchless honour. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “Verily the heaven lies under the mother’s feet.

In our society, women are not respected and honored especially in villages. In villages, they do not even get the chance of education. They have to work in the fields with men. Their life in villages is hard.

In cites, most of the women enjoy the opportunities of education. Their life is as much better as that of men. They can take parts in every kind of activity. They are allowed to go to colleges, offices and universities. They even can compete with men in election. In many countries of the world, they have proved their skills.

As for the liberty of women is concerned, they should be allowed to take parts in all kind of political, social, economic and cultural activities. But they should also realize their duty as Muslim women. Islam imposes upon them certain restrictions. For example, they should wear veil. They shouldn't violate the golden principles of Islam. Islam doesn't forbid them to get education, work for the progress of their country, earn money and struggle for an honorable status. But sometimes, in their unjustifiable freedom, they ignore their duty as Muslim women. Sometimes, like the European women, they speak against the universal principles of Islam. Then they can’t be overlook. They must realize their duty as a Pakistani and Muslim women.

It is admitted that women are as important as men. They should be given every chance for the betterment of themselves and society. Without their role, the speed of the development of the country would be very slow. They should come out to work with their men but at the same time, they should be true Muslims.

It would not be out of place to ask the women not neglect their duties at home. She should also be a good mother, loving wife, an ideal house-keeper and a matchless patriot. With this regard her duty is two-fold. She will have to perform her duties in their house as well as outside the house.

Ghulam Mustafa
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