Body Launguage


The body language of a speaker plays a very important and vital role while delivering a speech. the look of the speaker, his eyes and the way he moves, all reflects his confidence. all great orators of all times have a very positive and impressive body language. they have looked confident even when they had to deliver an impromptu speech. some of the great orators had a certain style of speaking , which could only be associated with them. many leaders and sportsperson use the V sing by raising their two fingers to signify victory.

To make the speech more effective , the speaker should make appropriate gestures, mould the facial expressions and add a spark in his eyes . a person might be a specialist in his field but it is not necessary that he will be a good speaker also. to be a good speaker , he will have to practice hard. it is important to remain calm before and during the speech, as the signs of nervousness may be reflected through the body language. signs of nervousness include frequent biting of nails, scratching of head , closing and opening of shirt buttons, readjusting the knot of necktie, etc.

A speaker should look out for following factors concerning his body languages.

The standing posture - the way a speaker stands reflects a lot about his attitude. if he stand leisurely, it seems that he has a casual approach to the speech. on the other hand, if he stands in attention, he might look slightly funny and also very formal and authoritative . a speaker should be relaxed while speaking and stand straight. his body should not bend on any of the sides . a smile on the face and a confident look along with a good posture.

About the Author: JUMBULA RAMADEVI DEVI Read More Articles by JUMBULA RAMADEVI DEVI: 11 Articles with 9943 views my name is ramadevi, iam from india ,hyderabad. my qualification iam married hobbied playing quiz and games , reading books.. View More